Worker B can produce 10 tables or 10 chairs, and worker C can produce 8 tables or, Suppose you are thinking of starting a new business. b.not change GDP, it changes the category under which the spending is counted. For example, in 2011, the money supply was $320, the price of a cell phone was $8.00, and the economy produced 600 cell phones. Suppose you are deciding whether to spend your tax rebate check on AirPods or save the money for a new smart phone. Gross National Product (GNP) differs from U.S. (a) Graph the short-run total product curve. When the pric, Suppose an economy is characterized by the Solow model. . Consider a simple economy that produces only cell phones. The following table contains information on the economy's money supply, velocity of money, price level, and output. Determinants of aggregate suppDeterminants of aggregate supply The following graph shows a decrease in aggregate supply (AS) in a hypothetical economy where the currency is the dollar. Velocity and the quantity equation Consider a simple economy that produces only cell phones. Createyouraccount. Consider a simple economy that produces only cell phones. b. This is an example of the ___________ of inflation. The following table contains information on the economy's money supply, velocity of money, price level, and output. Suppose that the exchange rate is flexible and that there is a permanent increase in total factor productivity (TFP), i.e., both z and z' increase. The following table contains information on the economy's money supply, velocity of money, price level, and output. Ety of Money Price Level (Dollars) Nominal GDP (Dollars) Quantity of Output (Cell phones) 500 5 entirely 7.20 15 from 2017 to 2018. All rights reserved. Draw the short run Phillips curve and relate it to our economy today. b, Indicate on a graph of the circular flows in the market economy, the real and money flows in which the following items belong: a. Velocity and the quantity equation Consider a simple economy that produces only pens. For a given output level, a firm's short-run average product of labor is 4 while its marginal product of labor is 5. TotalAssetsStockholdersEquityEvent/Cash+Other=Liabilities+Common+RetainedAdjustmentAssetsStockEarningsa-6,000+6,000NANANAAdj.NA-4,500NANA-4,500. Instruction: Your response should be rounded to the nearest whole number. Assume there are no traveler's checks. Which of the following will describe the marginal product of labor (MP_L) for this production function? Consider an economy that begins with an output equal to its natural level. B. Find the Marginal Product of Labor (MP_L). The following table contains information on the economy's money supply, velocity of money, price level, and output. Rajiv manages a grocery store in a country experiencing a high rate of inflation. Consider the following simple model of an economy: C = 1,000 + .85(Yd) I = 780 - 800r G = 1,000 T = -50 + 0.09(Y) IM = 100 + 0.1(Y) EX = 100 + 0.1(Y_f) Assume Foreign Income = 10,000 r* = 11% What is the amount of the government budget deficit/sur, Consider a commodity money model described in the class but with the following features: There are 100 identical people in every generation. Fill in the missing values in the following table. 2. Money \ supply \ grew \ = \ \dfrac{12}{240} \ \times \ 100 Velocity and the quantity equation Consider a simple economy that Fill in the missing values. (1) Describe the diff, The diagram below shows the aggregate labor market and aggregate production function for the country of Bonavista. Suppose we have a small economy that produces only two goods Fill in the missing values in the following . If the wage is $10 and the rental rate on capital is $20, the short-run average cost is _____, Consider the following firm with the production functionQ = F(L) = 2L^\frac12 L = labor, Wage w=12. Eskew, Inc., which closes its books on December 31, is authorized to issue $500,000 of 9%, 15-year bonds dated May 1, 2018, with interest payments on November 1 and May 1. Inflation \ rate \ from \ 2011 \ - \ 2012 \ = \ \dfrac{0.36}{7.2} \ \times \ 100 On that date, the bond traded at a price of 99 (99% of par value) in the bond market. What is the short-run production function? The government places a modest minimum wage on this industry above the market clearing equilibrium wage. Image transcription text $1 per pound, Commercial airplanes 10 airplanes $10 million per airplane. B. a decrease in the number of smartphone manufacturers. Further, assume that all of the cotton is used in the production of shirts. The company's production f. Suppose the production function for a firm is given by q = 5L0.5K0.25. In a simple economy (assume there are no taxes, thus Y is disposable income), the consumption function is: C=100+0.75Y. Video Games 1,350.00 $60.00, In Year 2, nominal GDP is equal to: $81206.25, and real GDP is $40637.5 b. Fill in the missing values in the Derive the short run, Economic theory suggests that as plant size increases, the average cost of production should fall. Using the line drConsider a decrease in the supply of money th, An economy with zero net exports is described below: C= 80 + 0.75 (Y - T) I^p= 100 G= 150 NX= 0 T= 180 The multiplier in this economy is 4. a. A) financial services B) electricity C) mobile phones D) mass transportation, 3. Carrie's marginal utility per dollar from increasing cons. Make sure to label both axis and include a dot on the curve that represents our state of economy. The following table contains information on the economy's money supply, velocity of money, price level, and output. Velocity \ of \ money \ (2011) \ = \ \dfrac{3,600}{240} Decrease Velocity \ of \ money \ (2011) \ = \ 15 ), An economy produces two goods, A and B; has two factors of production, K and L, and production of good A is capital-intensive, and the production of good B is labor-intensive. D. using the least costly prod. List 3 factors that can change the economy's potential output. Use a production possibilities frontier to illustrate society's trade-off between two "goods" a clean environment and the quantity of industrial output. These are your only costs. This means that if we reduce labor by one in oranges, we need one more unit of land, Suppose the production function is y = 2K^{0.5}L^{0.5} and in the short-run K is fixed at K = 16. GDP is not adjusted for pollution and it does not account for unequal income distribution. We will let suicide victims be our population. E. If a company follows a policy of matching maturities, this means that it matches its use of short-term debt with its use of long-term debt. a) The GDP of this country would be $ million. a) What is the price level and money supply? RGDP < NGDP because prices are rising. People save 20% of their income, so their savings rate s = 0.20, In a certain economy, the components of aggregate spending are given by: C = 100 + 0.9(Y - T) - 500r I = 150 - 1,000r G = 200 NX = 50 T = 100 Given the information about the economy above, the immedi, Assume a specific-factors economy produces two goods, cloth and food, and that when representing the output of this economy graphically, cloth is on the x-axis and food is on the y-axis. The equation of exchange Consider a simple economy that produces only Suppose that the economy consists of two types of firms: type A firms which produce output using a technology Qa Min 1 3K,L and type B firms which produce output using a technology Qb Min12K,L. Which of the following do we subtract from GDP to obtain national income? If year 1 is the base year, the value for this econ, Suppose the economy produces only 2 goods: consumer goods and capital goods(K). Indirect Business Taxes 40 The level of prices and the value of money, Money supply, money demand, and adjustment to monetary equilibrium, The classical dichotomy and the neutrality of money, Using money creation to pay for government spending, The Fisher effect and the cost of unexpected inflation. Identifying costs of inflation The inflation rate from ?1.) \end{array} 1.44% Quantity of Money (Dollars) Price Level (Dollars) Quantity of Output (Cell phones) Nominal GDP (Dollars) ve 2.44% Year Money 500 2017 240 7.20 5% 500 2018 252 105% The money supply grew at a rate of from 2017 to 2018. The marginal propensity to consume for this economy is: a. a. For example, in 2011, t, a. The unanticipated change in inflation arbitrarily benefits _______. The increase in real GDP per capita between 1890 and today understates well-being because the value of leisure is not included in GDP. The art dealer then sold all of the sculptures to art collectors for an average of $1,200 each. Is it true that in a short-run production process, the marginal cost curve eventually slopes upward because firms have to pay workers a higher wage rate as they produce more output? The following table shows two scenarios: a low-inflation scenario and a high-inflation scenario. The following table contains information on the economy's money supply, velocity of money, price level, and output. Consider a simple economy that produces two goods: pencils and muffins. PI = NI - Corp earnings + Gov Transfer Payments . 1) If year 2 is the base year, the value for this economy's real GDP in year 3 is? The following table contains information on the economy's money supply, velocity of money, price level, and output. Last year, she purchased $7,000 worth of scrap metal. b. The firm has 10 units of capital in the short run. For example, in 2017, the money supply was $200, the price of a pen was $5.00, and the economy produced 400 pens. Numerically. Then the profit-maxi, A firm's production function is given by q = f(L, K) = LK + 2L^2 K - L^3. The money wage rate falls, real GDP increases, and the price level rises. |Q| 0 |20 |60| 110 |170| 240| 290| 330| 355| 370| 380 |L |0| 1| 2| 3 |4 |5 |6| 7 |8 |9 |10 Suppose short run fixed costs are $200 and the wage, Suppose that a firm's production function is given by q = 20E^{0.50}. Aggregate supply describes a relationship between? Kate's factory has low fixed costs and high variable costs. If you were attempting to forecast the level of consumer spending by households, which measure of total production or total income might be most helpful in making your forecast? Consider a simple economy with two countries, the United States and India. = 11860 - 1250 + 600 = 11210 Calculate the velocity of money. TotalAssetsStockholdersEquityEvent/Cash+Other=Liabilities+Common+RetainedAdjustmentAssetsStockEarningsa-6,000+6,000NANANAAdj.NA-4,500NANA-4,500\begin{array}{lrr} Find the marginal product of labor (MPL). M=money supply, V=velocity, P=price level, Y=real output, k=1/V In year 1, Quantecon is a country in which the theory of money operates. a. B. In this economy, the level of income at which the consumer breaks even (cons. Assume that the economy is initially at point Y in the graph. {/eq}. As we read this unit, how does the circular flow model illustrate how our economy works? Explain your graph. For. Suppose the price of labor is w = 24 and the price of capital is r, Consider a simple economy that produces only cell phones. The following table contains information on the economy's money supply, velocity of money, price level, and output. For example, in. In the U.S., gross domestic product (GDP ) and gross national product (GNP) are close in value. What is t, Both Kate and John own saltwater taffy factories. Assuming that the bonds were sold at 100 plus accrued interest on October 1, 2018, prepare the necessary journal entry. \hline \text { black, male } & 10 & 460 & 1,060 & & 1,670 \\ Consider a simple economy that produces only cell phones. \hspace{17pt}\text{Adj.} Velocity and the quantity equation Consider a simple economy that produces only pens. Consider a simple economy that produces only pies. Which range of aggregate supply would represent an economy in the short term when prices are sticky and the economy is producing low levels of output? If the price of Labor, w = $12 per unit of Labor, what is the firm's Marginal Cost of production when the firm is producing 48 units of, Consider an economy that produces consumer goods and capital goods. Inflation-induced tax distortions The following table contains information on the economy's money supply, velocity of money, price level, and output. Transfer Payments 600 Chapter 30 Post-Class Assignment Part II: Money Growth and - Quizlet (b) Graph the short-run marginal and average product curves. Calculate the GDP of this economy by the product and the expenditure approach, assuming that all values ar, Which of the following would show an efficient economy? Assume that the aggregate production function has the form Y = K^(1/3) L^(2/3). The following table contains information on the economy's money supply, velocity of money, price level, and output. The firm pays a wage of $30 per units and pays a rental rate of capital $10 per unit. The following table contains information on the economy's money supply, velocity of money, price level, and output. Production Combin, Consider the following information describing an economy with demand-determined output. Consider the following model of a simple economy: The economy is in a recession with high unemployment and low output. C. all things are produced at the lowest cost. Foreign has 100 workers, a marginal product of labor of 8 making apples a, Assume the marginal rate of substitution between land and labor is 2 in producing apples and 1 in producing oranges. In 2016, the economy produced 85 f, Consider a firm with the production function, q=(K^1/2+L^1/2)^2. Discover the causes of inflation and how to calculate it. These sweaters are made using a combination of labor and knitting machines. "Whenever real GDP declines, nominal GDP must also decline." L stands for number of workers. The following table contains information on the economy's money supply, velocity of money, price level, and output. He is paid in cash twice per month. (Part A) You know that you are operating in a monopolistically competitive market, that is, you are a small part. For example, in 2012, the money supply was $360, the price of a cell phone. C), Fill in the blanks (_) and explain your answer: If a firm is using a lot of capital and just a little labor, the marginal product of labor is (_) relative to the marginal product of capital making it, Consider a simple economy that produces only pies. Use the e. Consider a simple economy that produces only pies. Nominal GDP will be less than real GDP if the price level falls and is lower than the base year's prices. . Suppose the economy experiences a negative shock to the banking system. 2) If year 1 is the base year, the valu. _______ per year. The following table contains information on the economy's money supply, velocity of money, price level, and output. The purchase of tires from Bridgestone tire company by an automobile manufacturer. This country produces both goods (clothing with capital and labor; food with land and labor) and imports food. 4. B) For what values of labor does increasing marginal product exist? Suppose the real domestic output in an economy is 20 units, the quantity of inputs is 4, and the price of each input is $4. All rights reserved. How do they affect the environment and economy? Using Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, explain the effect of a decrease in Lump Sum Taxes on the price level and GDP in the short run (i.e., until the end of the first period) on the level of ou, Consider an economy described by the production function: Y = F(K,L) = K^{(0.32)}L^{(0.68)}. Derive the base-year-quantity price index. GDP would be much higher than it is, but the well-being of the typical person would not necessarily be higher. [Solved] Consider a simple economy that produces o | SolutionInn Suppose GDP in this country is $1,175 million. The first event is recorded as an example. The value of leisure is not included in GDP. b. spending and income. For example, in 2010, the money supply was $320, the price of a cell phone was $8.00, and the economy produced 600 cell phones. The following table contains information on the economy's money supply, velocity of money, price level, and output. What is the marginal product of labor? An artist buys scrap metal from a local steel mill as a raw material for her sculptures. Note that consumption does n, Consider a Solow growth model with no population growth. Numerically. For this economy, A) Sh, Consider a small open economy whose relative prices are determined externally in the international market. \hline \text { all others } & & & & & \\ Few foreign firms maintain facilities in the U.S. while many U.S. firms are currently operating abroad. Suppose that John, April, and Tristan have two production plants for producing orange juice. Assume that the market clearing assumption should and that Labor receives a wage equal to the MPL (dY/d, The first principle of economics is that people face trade-offs. I am unsure of the answers to this question 4. Velocity and the All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. The Nominal GDP for the year 2015 is $7450. Find a new equilibrium. If the wage is $50/day, find the marginal cost of production. Specifically, Related to Solved Problem Suppose the information in the following table is for a simple economy that produces only the following four goods: shoes, hamburgers, shirts, and cotton. For example, in 2011, the money s; The equation of exchange Consider a simple economy that produces only cell phones. For example, is aluminum used to produce a new mountain bike included in GDP? nominal GDP is larger than real GDP in years after the base year. Learn about the inflation rate. They have a total of 850 crates of oranges. The pizza company also buys $. Net working capital is defined as current assets minus the sum of payables and accruals, and any increase in the current ratio automatically indicates that net working capital has increased. (a) In this economy, solve for national saving, inve, Consider a two-period economy where a consumer receives income of 10 in the first period and 11 in the second period. People in this economy save 36 cents of each dollar of income they receive. \\ You know that A) You are operating in a monopolistically competitive market, that is, you are a small part of a, Consider the following short run production function. The Gross Domestic Product evaluates general production in the economy. You are dealing with the concept of - comparative advantage. Production from a U.S. firm that operates in Mexico. 4. Velocity and the quantity equation Consider a simple economy Find short-run equilibrium output. Consider the following information: State of Economy Probability of State of Economy Rate of Return if State Occurs, In a simple economy (assume there are no taxes, thus Y is disposable income), the consumption function is: C = 200 + 0.8Y. The following table contains information on the economy's money supply, velocity of money, price level, and output. The production function is: f(K,L) = K^1/3 L^1/3. The following table contains information on the economy's money supply, velocity of money, price level, and output. Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. A. If the wage is $10 and the rental rate on capital is $20, the short run marginal cost is _____. Think about the following news item. If the wage rate is $5 and the price of capital is $2, then in order to minimize costs the firm should use: A. more capital and less labor. Coal production is relatively more capital-intensive and W, The firm's demand for a resource and marginal revenue product. The Fisher effect and the cost of unexpected inflation Yes. \\ a. a. not change GDP or the category under which the spending is counted. Then use the income-expenditure(45 line) diagram to determine the equilibrium level of GDP. \\ If the consumer s money income is 20, the a) consumer can obtain a combination of 5 units of both C and D, b) price of C is 4 and the price of D is 2, c) price of C is 2 and the price of D is 4, d) pri, Assume a technological advance leads to lower production costs.
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