Dihlavi himself had tried his bestand would continue to do so during the coming yearsnot to challenge the leadership of the old guard, but rather to get them on board for a joint effort. I.e. When all pre-emptive measures had failed and some 15,000 Shias from many parts of Pakistan had gathered in Rawalpindi to start agitation, the government finally decided to give in. Some Shia leaders like Nawab Qizilbash had sensed the danger well ahead and had warned the authorities,93Close but in the aftermath of the riots none of them would put the blame on the government.94Close The Shia press, for its part, demanded that the government would conduct indepth investigations that would clearly prove the responsibility of the TAS and other anti-Shia fanatics.95Close Its attitude was well reflected in an article of Raja Lehrasb Ali Khan in Razkr some weeks later (excerpts): One sect of the Muslims wants to prevent the customary observation of the religious ceremonies of another sect, namely the mtam juls of the Shias. Since many ulam had made great efforts to induce the Shias to pay their religious dues while at the same time denouncing wasteful spending for majlis and mahfil, including the fees for preachers paid at such occasions, the latter were bound to counterattack sooner or later. On Dhakko see Naqvi, Tazkira, pp. Ibid. It did not take long until he was even accused of preaching Wahhabi doctrines. Remarkable was also one resolution threatening the daily newspapers of Karachi with boycott, because they had never given proper coverage to the SMC Movement.348Close. A detailed account of the violence in Theri, Lahore and Narowal was published fifty years later by the Blog Sharaabtoon under the title The Most Unfortunate Incident: The Theri Massacre and Fifty years of Sectarian Violence in Pakistan; URL: http://sharaabtoon.blogspot.com/2013/06/the-most-unfortunate-incident-theri.html. List of mausolea and shrines in Pakistan - Wikipedia Otherwise this act will be like a paper-flower without a perfume, like a body without a soul, and like a life-less skeleton , I am obliged to speak out with heart-felt pain the bitter truth that in the present time most of those who speak at majlis and listen to them (including their sponsors) are lacking this sincerity. From 20 February to 1 March 1964 he visited Lahore, meeting with local Shia ulam, advocates, and notables and with the Governor General of West-Pakistan, Amir Muhammad Khan. On Rizvi see section 5.4, p. 158. Mufti Mahmud (190980) was born in a village near Dera Ismail Khan (NWFP) and graduated from different Deobandi dn madris in Northern India until 1941. According to the eye-witness Shaiq Ambalvi, higher-ranking police-officers had done their best, but the rank-and-file policemen were afraid to interfere (Razkr 26/32:3; 24 August 1963). Not surprisingly, Dhakkos diatribes met with resistance from those concerned. Dihlavi shortly before his death dedicated his private library to another trust headed by Hasan Ali Pirbhai (, According to his son S. Ahmad Jauhar, he even retreated from preaching to a large extent in the 1950s (, Authors interview with S. Khurshid Abbas Gardezi, (Multan, 1 March 1999), Most Pakistani Shias interviewed by the author on the subject have confirmed that. Report of the Inquiry Committee, quoted in Pakistan Times, 23 December 1963 (Urdu translation in Razkr 27/1:1; 1 January 1964). On the Raja of Mahmudabad see section 2.1, pp. Thus the preacher makes the majlis senseless from the outset. Resolution No. See section 4.5, pp. A quarter in Baghdad were frequent altercations between local Shias and Sunnis have taken place since the tenth century; see Encyclopaedia of Islam, Vol. It was appointed on 5 June and headed by Abd ul-Rashid Khan, then Commissioner of the Dera Ismail Khan Division (Pakistan Times, 6 June 1963). For 40-year-old Tehseen, Kashif was her whole world. 78; 3.1, pp. Some leading ITHS office holders from Karachi then published devastating polemics against Shamsi,341Close whereas the editor of Razkr, who had generally supported the ITHS until early 1964, now opined that the organisation had ceased to exist since seven years.342Close In Lahore, too, the ITHS split into supporters and opponents of Shamsi, whose influence among Shias reached a low point during the coming years.343Close. The latter, during a meeting of its Council in Lahore on 17 February 1967, lauded the CII proposals because they had accepted separate dnyt in principle, and appealed to the government to implement them.337Close The Ministry of Education shortly after started to act according to the CII recommendations.338Close, While the APSC President Qizilbash stood his ground as an undeclared rival of S. Muhammad Dihlavi during the following yearsfacilitated by the end of his political disqualification period under EBDO on 31 December 1966339Closethe ITHS further disintegrated after the SMCs Multan Convention. In the resolutions [of the Muslim League] there was no mentioning of Shias and Sunnis; neither it was mentioned that Shias will have the right to take out their processions even if these violate the feelings of the Sunnis , [religious] freedom does not exclude some prohibitions. Razkr 28/29:3 (1 August 1965) contains the first reference to the term. In Shahd of 5 September he had claimed that no members of the Gardezi family had participated, drawing angry rejoinders (Razkr 29/37:1); see also Razkr 29/39:1 (8 October 1966). From January 1966 onwards a number of appeals appeared in Shia journals calling for the formation of SMCs in every town, district and village with a noteworthy Shia presence, which should then establish contact with S. Muhammad Dihlavi in Karachi.308Close One especially sentimental appeal was published by the SMC Lahore in Razkr. The Indian attack along the border with West Pakistan, concentrating on the Lahore frontline, started on 6 September. 6. I, pp. Even if they do not become Shias entirely, they are surely becoming half-Shias gradually. There must not be any ban on azdr for the Lord of Martyrs. Muhammad Bashir Ansari, Haqiq ul-wasit, Vol. actress. The conflict as such had surfaced in Pakistan already in the 1950s, with some ulam from the dn madris complaining about how the zkirs and preachers would be misleading the Shia awm and distracting them from their religious obligations.215Close In 1959 one of the most successful preachers and munzirs, Maulana Muhammad Ismail (190176),216Close struck back. Pakistan's Shias Face Double Threat: Extremists and Their Own The Jmiat us-Saqlain Rawalpindi, founded in 1962, was later enlarged and renamed Madrasat yatullh al-Hakm; see Fn 200 to chapter 5 (p. 413). Nevertheless, the APSC President succeeded in mid-1967 to reap political gains from Dihlavis movement, which he had never wholeheartedly supported. panegyrics. One of the first measures to clip the wings of the clergy was the Waqf Properties Ordinance from April 1959, when a Chief Administrator Auqaf was appointed to register and control their assets.24Close Although the state did not appropriate the income of the auqf, a series of further laws implemented from 1960 onwards put the Auqaf Department in charge of the administration of hundreds of the most profitable auqf in Pakistan, the income of which was henceforth used according to bureaucratic instructions.25Close The new regulations were justified with alleged mismanagement of the auqf and misappropriation of their assets by the sajjda-nishns and mutawalls, as similar steps by the Punjab government taken already in 1952 had been.26Close In both cases the ITHS and its mouth-peace Razkr had applauded to the principle of supervision of the auqf by the state, but demanded that the administration of Sunni and Shia auqf should be separated and only Shias be put in charge of the latter.27Close This demand was repeated at the ITHS convention in Lahore of April 1961, and it became one of the three central demands of the new Shia movement from 1964 onwards.28Close The position of the APSC was different, because its President Qizilbash was himself controlling one of the largest Shia auqf in Pakistan. The dispute was by no means only academic, with ulam of the Dhakko group risking being evicted from mosques and having their sermons boycotted or even being physically attacked. S. Mushtaq Husain Naqvi, Supplement to Razkr 30/28:a (24 July 1967). The Muslims departed from religion, materialism spread fast, and morals declined. See references in Fn 219 to chapter 3 (p. 375). See reports in Razkr 31/4243:38; Paym-i Amal 12/10:249 (December 1968); al-Muntazar 10/19:69 (20 November 1968). These things are not coming unexpected for me; rather I have started this work expecting such difficulties and sufferings 274Close, On the other hand, Dhakko once more denied that he was opposed to the zkirs generally, insisting that he was their well-wisher and only wanted to rectify some of their current faults.275Close However, this could not make his attacks on the status quo of majlis and the zkir-business in Pakistan less objectionable in the eyes of his opponents. Let the enemies of Pakistan come forward and tell us, when and where have the Shias abused the sahba? Most of them are related to his retrogressive, chauvinistic and inflammatory statements on Osama-bin-Laden, Muslims and terrorism, ban on propagation of all other religions except Islam, sex slavery, laws of apostasy in Islam, child marriage, destruction of cultural and religious . 5556. Prior to Muharram 1386H (22 April21 May 1966), bans on the entry of a number of Shia and Sunni ulam into certain districts of West Pakistan during Muharram were pronounced by the administration. Apparently those preachers and zkirs who propagated exaggerated notions about the ahl al-bait had also a large share in widening the gulf between Shias and Sunnis in Pakistan. He is referring to Hafiz Kifayat Husain; for a more specific identification of his and other ulams alleged shortcomings see Haidaris article quoted below. a sf master, who derives his influence mostly from his spiritual power as perceived by his followers and disciples. The sudden acceptance of the main Shia demands after almost five years of temporising was probably more than anything else a result of the political impasse which the Ayub Khan regime had reached by late 1968. Top Ten Islamic Lectures of All Time (Videos) - MuslimMatters.org Details of the new draft syllabus with requirements for the degrees of Maulv, Maulv Alim, Fzil, Maulv Fzil, Imd ul-Afzil and Sultn ul-Afzil were given in al-Muballigh 4/2:46 (March 1960). Her siblings Feroze Khan and Dua Malik also follow the mandatory customs . See below and Fn 181. Razkr 27/29:8 (16 September 1964); see section 4.1, p. 107, and Fn 47 to chapter 4, p. 387. Zaidi, Mutlabt aur Khatb-i Azam, p. 86 (no exact date is given there and in other sources available to the author). Razkr 35/35:4 (obituary for S. Muhammad Dihlavi); Mirza Yusuf Husain did not give names, but prominent ulam in Hyderabad at that time were Habib ul-Hasan Najafi, Hashmat Ali and S. Thamar Husain Zaidi; see Naqv, Tazkira, pp. 13940. That was only one side of the coin, however. Actress and model, Humaima Malick is also one of the most famous celebrities who are Shia Muslims. Zameer Akhtar (Pakistan) 8. Model. Pakistani Model and Actress Zara Sheikh Pictures and Biography Account of the recommendations from S. Muhammad Dihlavi, 19 November 1968 (Razkr 31/44:3); see also below, p. 166 (wording of the official statement of 1 November 1968). At the end of his speech Dihlavi reminded Ayub Khan that he himself had termed the Shia demands reasonable, and he warned from giving Shias the impression that Pakistan was only demanding sacrifices and taxes from them without giving anything in return.323Close. 29698; Naqvi, Controversy, pp. Scientists, mathematicians and academics [ edit] . See Naqvi, Controversy, p. 144; Muhammad Bashir Ansari, Haqiq ul-wasit, Vol. Pakistani Shia clerics (1 C, 10 P) F. Pakistani former Shia Muslims (3 P) I. Pakistani Ismailis (1 C, 30 P) Pages in category "Pakistani Shia Muslims" The following 68 pages are in this category, out of 68 total. A. Faisal Raza Abidi; Agha Shaukat Ali; Athar Ali (scientist) 3). events and sayings handed down from the life of the ahl al-bait. Her first attempt towards a successful career started through an ad campaign for one the famous cellular service providers; MOBILINK, in which her first appearance was there all across the billboards in Pakistan. He deems it a splendid sign of leadership to accept titles such as Nib-i Imm,132Close yatullh fl-Alamain,133Close Hujjat ul-Islm wal-Muslimn,134Close orator (khatb) or preacher (wiz). But he has no right to put himself above the law and try to correct them by force. While the Jmiat ul-Muntazar rose to the first rank among the Shia madris in Pakistan in 1971, the Dr ul-Ulm Muhammadya Sargodha maintained its leading position until at least the mid-1960s. In February 1960 elections for 80,000 so-called Basic Democrats, each representing from 800 to 1,500 citizens, took place, which then elected Ayub Khan President of Pakistan for a five-year term.37Close Immediately thereafter, the President appointed a commission to submit constitutional proposals in the form of a report.38Close Starting its work in April 1960, it distributed some 28,000 copies of a detailed questionnaire in English, Urdu and Bengali language to various organisations and prominent members of the public, upon which a total number of 6,269 replies were received and studied, in addition to personal interviews conducted by the members of the commission all over Pakistan.39Close On 56 May 1960, a meeting of forty Sunni ulam at the Jmiat Ashrafya Lahore discussed the questionnaire and formulated its answers.40Close Although those recommendations containing blatant anti-Shia bias did not influence the later constitution in any way, they indicate how little attitudes had changed since the imposition of martial law (excerpts): The official state religion of Pakistan is Islam according to the way of the ahl-i sunnat wal-jamat, and its head of state has to be an orthodox (sahh ul-aqda) Muslim. Official figures according to Pakistan Times, 4 June 1963, including Sunni attackers injured by police action; Muzaffar Ali Shamsi later spoke of up to 250 injured Shias (statement in front of the Inquiry Committee, 16 August 1963; Razkr 26/36:9). Detailed reports on the events in Hyderabad are given in Razkr 31/78:13 (1624 February 1968). The only result of that meeting on 13 August in the presence of eight educational experts was the promise to form a commission of Shia and Sunni ulam to eliminate objectionable passages from schoolbooks and to prepare new textbooks for history.177Close This fell short of the demand for separate religious instructions. 25-May-02 Sindh Karachi . Therefore we want that both Shia and Sunni children receive religious instruction of their own so that the pupils can become fully acquainted with their mazhab and its requirements171Close and become true Muslims in that way For example, at the Aligarh University there are separate branches for Shia and Sunni dnyt and separate congregational prayers for both sects 172Close, The second issue is concerning the Shia auqf The government has passed laws to prevent their misuse by mutawalls and administrators. Protocols in Razkr 29/3435:112 (18 September 1966); al-Muballigh 10/8:2730 (September 1966); al-Muntazar 8/1415:1422 (520 September 1966); Payam-i Amal 10/8:2530 (October 1966). His father had been an lim of the Ahl-i hadth sect and he had studied at Sunni seminaries, including the Dr ul-Ulm Deoband. He became President of the JUP in January 1969. Razkr 25/42:4 (8 November 1962); Shamsi repeated his resignation with the same result at an ITHS Council meeting in Rawalpindi in August 1964, at that time ordered by S. Muhammad Dihlavi himself to stay in office (Razkr 27/2728:5; 18 September 1964). Lists of newly founded SMCs were regularly published in Razkr since early 1966; the series continued until November 1967. There are also significant numbers of Shii Muslims. (He suggested instead referring to Pakistani authorities like S. Muhammad Baqir Chakralvi or S. Zain ul-Abidin, then Friday preacher of Multan). It incorporated Ayub Khans Basic Democratswho elected a new National Assembly in April 1962and introduced a presidential system, but upheld all safeguards for minorities included in the 1956 constitution in almost identical wording.47Close One of its new elements was the creation of the Islamic Advisory Council (Majlis-i Mushwarat-i Islm), later renamed the (Advisory) Council of Islamic Ideology (CII).48Close The Council represented an attempt to integrate the reform-minded elements of the religious elite in order to provide Islamic legitimacy to basically secularist and nationalist policies.49Close Assisted by a newly established Islamic Research Institute,50Close it was to work out recommendations on the proper application of injunctions of Islam in legislation and general policies, but was not given any veto powers.51Close Among its eight members appointed in August 1962 was Hafiz Kifayat Husain,52Close who could contribute to its proceedings only until March 1964 when he suffered a stroke.53Close In November 1965 he was finally replaced by Mufti Jafar Husain.54Close It was only during the latters term that recommendations of the CII were of some significance for the Shias.55Close, The years between 1959 and 1962 marked a period of crisis and gradual reorientation of Shia communal activities. Pakistan Times, 23 December 1963; see also above, Fn 106. We have to give our young generation religious instruction according to our beliefs. generally Sunni extremists. (authors translation); incidentally, some extremists in Multan allegedly shouted slogans in favour of the Caliph Yazid shortly after and threatened to celebrate a Yaum-i Yazd when being prevented by the police from disturbing a joint Sunni-Shia procession on the d Mld an-Naby (4 August 1963); see Razkr 26/38:3 (8 October 1963). But after the worst anti-Shia violence in Pakistan so far took place in Muharram in 1963, the government balanced repressive action against Sunni extremists with some restrictions on Shia mourning processions. The radical Sunni groups, who had so far not taken Dihlavis movement too seriously, were alarmed by what leaked through from the recommendations of the Board and warned the government from introducing separate dnyt or dividing the Auqaf Department.367Close On 6 August 1967 a Sunni Conference was held in Multan to discuss how to counter the divisive Shia demands.368Close Although only a few dozens of some 400 invited Sunni ulam showed up (among them no Barelvi lim of any standing),369Close speakers included Maulana Mufti Mahmud370Close and even Kausar Niyazi.371Close Resolutions against all three demands of the Shias were passed. Zara Sheikh Biography Height & Boyfriend | Biographybd Today, too, we stick to the conviction that we must have full religious freedom. Thus the procession [in Lahore] was attacked by people who had ganged up with that intention, and who comprised dozens of people from other quarters apart from those affected by the rioting. 2.086 million and in 19656 Rs. The murder of Syed Ali Raza Abidi highlighted for the umpteenth time that Shia Muslims in Pakistan continue to face a slow motion genocide. They have become obliged to think that their life, property and religious slogans and ceremonies are no longer safe in this country , It can never happen that a minority sect will give up its old religious beliefs and ceremonies on the orders of the majority sect.
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