Gunna go GMO & Chemical ( & other non-goodie stuff ) free! I hope to be able to continue having options to grow all conventionally bred varieties, including Better Boy tomatoes, therefore I will have no part of any boycott of wholesome, certifiably organic vegetable varieties smearing them so that they eventually might become discontinued and lost forever to those of us who like to grow them. And is that the only such story about the effects of Monsanto and their seeds and the biotech seed field? I am 1000% against genetically modifying seed. If this is true, how did that happen? 1. Ferry bought land in California to grow crops for seed. Livingston bred and released 35 tomato varieties, creating the cultural preference for one of todays most beloved vegetables. The D.M. I addressed this in this post already. :-), I hope that clarifies what I was trying to say. Consumers have a lot of power that they are not using to support good companies and stop supporting bad companies. An awareness, not a better understanding. 0000510000 00000 n You see diseases developing, like the Citrus Greening disease, and you think, wellmaybe GMO and Monsanto will rescue us from these. Hopefully if it is explained well enough others might get a better understanding of the issue.". Do you see yourself as above the fray? 1% retail connection and then made to look as "owned by"? Why buy from a company that you can't trust? It then gets called a documentary. :-|. It was established in 1896 by Dr. Albert Edward McKenzie, and claims to supply 60% of Canada's packet seed market. I was unaware that there are graphs 'trying' to track what they now own. Just thought I would put it out there for anyone interested. We got to this point, because you think you make understandable comments but they are not as understandable as you think they are. Ferry-Morse 3.6G Wildflower Sunny Meadow Mixture Flower Seeds Packet - Seed Gardening, Full Sunlight. That should do it. GMOs dont seem to concern you. Anyone that is interested in what they are up to, can easily find that information. We are all human and perfect accuracy is beyond all of us. Yes, your original objection about the link that was inaccurate, was an early part of the topic being discussed. The recent development of the "Golden Rice Project" has aimed to genetically alter the staple crop to provide vitamin A to people who depend on rice for sustenance and as a result of their diet, often suffer severe deficiencies in the nutrient which can cause blindness and increases infant mortality rates in the developing world.In fact, as the worlds population continues to grow, use of GE crops shows significant promise to stabilizing the worlds food supply. [1] Jiffy has moved production outside of Canada with over 70 people working at their location in Brandon. I buy native plants and grow organically. Best Vegetable Seed Companies - Mother Earth News You seem to feel that what you have to say is much more important than anything I have to say. Which if you had shared that, we might have found some common ground. As to me labeling you, no, absolutely not. And where does the word bully enter into it? -- if that is correct, than what you are saying is that you do choose GMO. Silly scare-mongering. Operations in Charlevoix, Michigan began when the train lines extended up to that area in 1892, and a large Charlevoix warehouse facility was built in 1905 along the lake near the new Chicago and West Michigan Railway line. You think that you have answered it, but to me that was not an answer. "Yes, I do have fears about producing GMO seed and tampering with something that the entire life of the planet depends on. The cries against GE crops can be so shrill and misinformed that it leads people to destroy test fields of the golden rice, ruining not only beneficial scientific progress and research, but medicine that children in poor countries desperately need. Sorry. So, because of all these conversational choices youve made, from my end, it feels more like a monologue instead of a conversation. Jiffy created another industry breakthrough with the Jiffy pellet. The Company is Part of a Massachusetts based privately owned gardening company known as plantation products. What about the risks of GMO seeds and plants? and that concluded the discussion, Ed and I had. The real unfortunate part of it is that disagreements between well meaning people like us add to the confusion of someone trying to learn more. Continually defending and explaining myself. The first time I let it slide because you said you hadn't time to read as much as you would like and were unsure about the accuracy of the sources. About Ferry-Morse. Any seed you buy will not be GMO, unless you are a commercial farmer and then you will must sign a GMO agreement before they will sell you seeds. Since Ive been too busy responding to your comments, Ive yet to read where the India situation was debunked. I can hear that you are torn, but I am not having that problem at all. And I'm transferring the burden of 'fact checking' to others? The observation that you think I was referring to you or labeling you, is incorrect, and I would counter that you clearly are labeling yourself. I cannot support misleading people for political ends. Reduce their power and influence by buying from people who are trustworthy and interested in keeping the food supply unadulterated. Your interpretation of another comment is again, not quite accurate. And Im sure that can be useful and beneficial, but sometimes our best strength can become our biggest weakness. So, because I have discussed avoiding GMO seeds, I am deliberately manipulating people and bullying them and using fear as a weapon, with an argument that is illogical? Thanks for the rest of the links. I'm happy with the companies I am doing business with. I see you can 'quote' my post, but what is it about what I said that you object to? :). 0000016755 00000 n That property is bordered by Second and Third Avenues on the east and west and by Burroughs and Amsterdam Avenues on the north and south, the city's northern limit at that time. I share my experiences about organic growing. The original article is trash (but not the underlying subject), not because I say so, but because it is filled with omissions and inconsistencies as nailed by Ed & Rodney. 0000001396 00000 n Profit over everything, disguised as something else. [g] With all the healthy social skills you can muster. I asked you to clarify what you meant. Pupilla, if you didnt intend to discuss GMO, then I cannot understand why you would enter the conversation and object to a boycott of GMO seed companies. They also had 50 seed in their sunflower packets. +w4'h\o6mKk/SkA2?+!>Qbl!=;EINQ$K^7i76Go]. But why artificially restrict my options like that. 522 0 obj <> endobj xref 522 55 0000000016 00000 n If you object to my desire to boycott, then you require me to explain my reasons and in doing so, a GMO discussion ensues. 0000519148 00000 n So any conclusions either of us draw from this conversation are not accurate or complete. I get notifications on this old thread. Yes, you have the burden of fact checking any information for yourself. For example, RH Shumway, Roots and Rhizomes, McClure and Zimmerman, TotallyTomato, and Vermont Bean are owned by JW Jung Seed. Now look how long the post got, but no matter, you have honest reply to at least everything here. In 1958, the company formally changed their name to Asgrow Seed Company. Back in the early 1980s, there was only a 'seed' of the organic movement. We offer a large selection of home gardening vegetables seeds with high yields. . Again, I gave you alternate suggestions of how to hit Monsanto's bottom line so much harder, that included not purchasing Round-Up, not purchasing Miracle Gro products, and not purchasing the commercial Zima tomato product, which I thought would make you happy since it is conventional Monsanto seeds and the growers conned Monsanto into giving them an exclusive, which prevents all home gardeners from getting this conventional seed, even though it is super delish and was developed conventional before Monsanto bought them out. Approximately 40% of the rice harvest is lost each year to pest and disease issues as a result of the protracted flooding of paddies. You repeat your reasons for participating in the conversation like a campaign slogan but in the face of the way you participate, it rings a little hollow to me. Any questions I've asked were rhetorical and require no response. There are also plenty of graphs showing the overlap of government officials that make policy and Monsanto employees which is more worrying to me actually. And you are free to say whatever you want, but I have an opinion of what you had to say and have honestly shared it with you, as much for your benefit as for anything else. I just call you out for using fallacious logic or repeating long debunked claims you choose to provide links for about millions of people dying which have been debunked. It is my use of the words bow and marketers in your objection and your conjecture that I am labeling you in your words: [[[You accused me of labeling you. Asgrow - Wikipedia We feel a deep sense of pride and responsibility to carry on the tradition of these brands by delivering high quality products including OMRI listed Organic plant food and 100% Non-GMO seeds. I'm simply saying that I don't trust Monsanto. And what does my belief that GMOs are 1000% wrong, or any reason why I believe that, have anything at all to do with the sentence you are responding to? Loss of the citrus industry will be catastrophic and change Florida. I carefully put a disclaimer transferring the burden of fact checking to others? That's okay Ed. Ferry seed catalogs,, Companies based in Santa Clara, California, Agriculture companies of the United States, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 11 March 2023, at 12:52. Is there any way to stop getting notifications of this topic? prarie, clear as day. Founded in 1850, Livingston is best known for bringing the modern tomato to the world. 0000535956 00000 n 0000010117 00000 n 0000489481 00000 n It is not a reliable reference as it was debunked by the peer-reviewed study in the Nature link. And I don't feel any need to defend my complete dislike of Monsanto and what they are about. What is the best place to buy seeds online? - Where are you all buying your seeds online? I need to switch - Reddit The Seed Savers Exchange (SSE) is a non-profit organization working to save heirloom garden seeds from extinction. Please research the 250,000 suicides issue you referenced in the earlier post. The same as I do about Monsanto. No. [11], In 2005, Groupe Limagrain sold Ferry-Morse to Jiffy International. You surmise that. I just wish the world could be as calm about it as you and I. Nobody of the big guys is going to tell you which seeds they buy from their competitors, and by definition if you buy a variety you can research it's entire pedigree. We have them. Pupilla - From my point of view, in any conversation with another person, you have to win their favor enough to interest them in continuing a conversation with you. Over the years, the stocking evolved into high-tech netting that provides roots with the optimum amount of air and water. 0000020576 00000 n All Ferry-Morse seeds are 100% Non-GMO. It is currently part of Green Garden Products, a privately owned gardening company based in Massachusetts. I keep my variety! Is Ferry-Morse seeds owned by Monsanto? The genetic engineering of human insulin was actually the first patent awarded in the field in the 1980's. For example they were where the pioneering 1973 peer-reviewed paper of CFCs causing the breakdown of ozone was published (link). I haven't bought a herbicide or insecticide. I said this topic was an emotional issue for everyone, not just me. Multiple smaller, non high tech companies that are manageable by individuals and an asset to their communities. Gardner & Company[2] (also known as Gardner, Ferry, and Church) in Detroit, Michigan. [6], In 1905, Ferry sold one of their large corn fields to the Burroughs Adding Machine Company. The first year the company did $6,000 in business. You have used it a a major component of two posts. They are reliable, trustworthy seeds you know will sprout and grow when you want them to. A.W. You only have to look around at many examples of when we have done that. I said --. If you feel I have offended you in some way and you want to respond, then I will continue until you feel satisfied. The business was merged into Plantation Products, a privately owned gardening company based in Massachusetts. Youll have to show me where I have labeled you. So there is the promise of better seed, better crops, and then the actual result of crop failures and Monsantos PR department trying to claim they are a success. And this article does a great job of explaining why I want to buy seed from these companies. D.M. What is it you expect - for me to write a thesis on GMOs to include for this thread? As for the GMO involved, yes, it is the leading potential solution and everyone will probably have equal and free access to it, including every other country around the world growing Citrus., You are splitting hairs. With one fell swoop in 2005, Monsanto grabbed approximately 40% of the US vegetable seed market with its acquisition of Seminis. The idea started with a nylon stocking to hold . Also, this isn't meant as an attack on anyone here or their opinions. of the world, it is not an issue of trust for me as much as supporting seed company diversity. The smaller seed companies I was referring to are generally independent operators and do not have the resources of Big Ag behind them. I am comfortable with my reply, and understand where you are coming from. 0000001737 00000 n You wonder why we don't learn our lesson. If others want to do this I am sympathetic but have mixed feelings about the effect of that. After Vince's passing in 2006, Linda remained as owner with her two children occasionally helping in the business.". It's a conspiracy theory website and anyone can post articles there. 0000005445 00000 n This is all I need to know.>>> OWNED BY MONSANTO OR SEMINIS OR SELL SMALL PERCENTAGES OF SEEDS FROM THEM. A marketer and a preacher are two even handed words in my vocabulary. Plenty of organic seed and NO GMO seed. Model # 629313.1220.199.9085. (And FYI has been working on GMOs) Worse then Urban Outfitters, which has modeled clothing after Nazi Death Camp uniforms and been cited for use of (possibly involuntary) child labor? [2] Similarly, Monsanto has the rights to Better Boy, one of my regular tomatoes. Or is it just that you reject the idea that it could possibly be a frightening outcome? So hopefully the home garden varieties can hang on until they find a nicer home. I'll have to look for them, to see if I can't expand the seed companies I do business with. Get the Container-Friendly Flower Kit from Ferry-Morse for $39.99. You still dont know that they wont at some future time. Thats a pretty negative view of people who you dont agree with. I prefer to make my own decisions and not be conned. I bought them last year and it was so convenient not to have to search all over the place for some of the items. Someone above in this thread, mentioned that they were not concerned with whether or not Monsanto was buying up seed companies, because they doubted that Monsanto would ever sell GMO seeds to home gardeners, because of a worry about their patent. What is it that you feel I am bullying you into doing? It's rhetorical. No more Miracle Grow for anyone then, not even sneaking a quick shot of it! At SEEDS OF CHANGE, we believe in the power of plants, which is why weve pledged to not only put more plants on the table, but also to put more in the ground. Yet you dont consider this statement a label? Then read your own comment. I would wonder that they were going to tamper with them. Ferry Morse Seed Company is one of America's oldest and most trusted garden seed companies. If they include links to the proof, then I'll believe it. From 1856 onward, Ferry Morse seeds have been supplying the freshest and best garden seeds for the home gardens of American gardeners. Also the list is also, "or sells small percentages of seed from them.". If you are attempting to correct something that you believe is misleading about someone's post, than do so. If you have some opinion on GMO seeds, on Monsanto, or other companies producing GMO seeds, or the preservation of non GMO seeds, which are the topic of this thread, then perhaps you might share that in concise and direct language and leave out the rest. [5] The combined firm became the largest seed distribution company in the world. We grow our lawn without fertilizer and use clover and leave selective weeds in the lawn. Are all Ferry Morse seeds heirloom? Is that your point of view? 0000536287 00000 n However, after doing this research, I have bought my last Ferry Morse seed packet. Pupilla - I just saw this response. And I find it hard to believe that you are not fully aware that you are doing that. But because I dont know you, and because you continue to state your intentions are good, I choose to believe that you dont understand how adding this kind of analysis to the conversation becomes a problem. Do you have 12 months to wait for it? More selfish motives that ignore what is good for mankind or the natural world, in general. I will not throw my favorite large red hybrid tomato, developed before 1970, under the bus just because Monsanto bought it. hbba`b``3 10 [T endstream endobj 523 0 obj <>/Metadata 26 0 R/Pages 25 0 R/StructTreeRoot 28 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 524 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 1/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 525 0 obj <> endobj 526 0 obj <> endobj 527 0 obj <> endobj 528 0 obj <>stream I always support local agriculture! I do not grasp the gravity of GMO seeds? Not relevant enough. Burpee gets $0.10 of it, marginalized Asian Indian farmers producing it get $0.05 of it (I'd rather buy US seed, but cheap hybrid seed is usually produced there which at least helps very needy and hardworking people), Florida gets $0.03 if I paid sales tax on retail seeds (can't remember) UPS gets $0.01 of it. Pupilla - you seem to clearly be of a divided mind here. Molanic, I just finished reading that article in Mother Earth News. Remember there are 2 American seed company's. One is owned by Plantation products and seeds and the other by the GMO pesticide company Monsanto. [7], Meanwhile, in 1874, R. W. Wilson began a seed-producing company based in Santa Clara, California. Pupilla - I'm sorry to tell you this, but I don't find an explanation in your post at all. Between 1996 and 2007, Monsanto, the largest supplier of genetically engineered (or GMO) seed traits,2 acquired more than a dozen smaller companies,3 and it now controls 60 percent of corn and 62.5 percent of soy-bean seeds and seed trait licenses in the United States.4 It is not my fault that they bought it. I will not martyr my favorite varieties as you might. I will not boycott good seed companies because Monsanto owns them. You should not assume I must do all the grunt work for an argument if I start and find no credibility nor effort to fact check on your part. I do not doubt that your intentions are to find accurate, truthful, and complete information but intentions and execution are two different things. Its not easy to explain it completely, but Ill give it a try. You seem to still want to believe that GMO seed may not be such a bad thing. I quote your response to them: "Yes, I understand that people exaggerate, often because they've had an emotional reaction to something that really disturbs them. Founded in 1856, Ferry-Morse is one of the oldest operating seed businesses in the United States and pioneered the practice of selling only fresh flower, herb, and vegetable . We bought Giant, Violet Queen Zinna Seeds from Ferry-Morse Seed Co., then planted them, and carefully watered and nursed them! Monsanto and the other companies you mention, are basically in the biotech field. Audubon Workshop Breck's Bulbs Cook's Garden Dege Garden Center Earl May Seed E & R Seed Co Ferry Morse Flower of the Month Club Gardens Alive Germania Seed Co Garden Trends HPS Jung Seed Genetics Lindenberg Seeds Find My Store. Maybe it was her fault for misunderstanding something or maybe it was the fault of whatever she read, but the fact is that all the vague (or downright inaccurate), sensationalist, and/or fear mongering information regarding GMO's and Monsanto that is out there is not really helping anything. It goes against my core beliefs. Hopefully if it is explained well enough others might get a better understanding of the issue. Disclaimer: I worked for a seed company that was being purchased by Monsanto, in a GMO-free operation. "We do not buy seed from Monsanto-owned Seminis. One is a technology and one is a company and equating them continuiously stymies critical thinking by fusing them together. What, remove names once someone finds an inaccuracy? People tend to gloss over all the grey, and even white, areas as a way to paint the entire issue as something to be reviled and hated, something to be fought against. To choose to evaluate each product on a case by case basis -- If I understand you to mean that if a product is GMO based, you will evaluate it at that point? Two people posted about two seed companies on the list. I'd also like a list of commercial farmers who are using Monsanto's GMO seed and the products that they end up in so I can avoid those products. Ferry & Co with $750,000 in capital, and Ferry as president,[4] James McMillan as vice-president, H. Kirke White as secretary, and Charles C. Bowen as treasurer. I simply replied that I do not, would not and have not called attention to your intentions because they were never part of this discussion. And here is where I corrected what you said the first time. Soon many more garden seed companies bought from not only Burpee but also from Petoseed, companies as diverse as Ferry-Morse, Park's, Gurney's, Johnny's, Northrup King and Comstock-Ferre. Ferry-Morse. Since 1897, gardeners have trusted American Seed to provide the best value in the marketplace. And I wonder if anyone has thought of trying to convince shareholders to stop supporting Big Agriculture? But it would seem to me that, while the conclusions about what happened in India may have been controversial, something definitely negative happened in India as a result of Monsanto introducing GMO seed. We take pride in helping families across the country enjoy gardening and the fresh foods and flowers the garden produces. It is currently part of Green Garden Products, a privately owned gardening company based in Massachusetts. It is available, however the poorest starving workers currently earn more using the GM cotton, which to them means more money for nutrition, health and the other necessities their earnings buy. Ferry-Morse. For that reason I did not respond to your comments that were not relevant to the points, and that should not be assumed to be agreement, but only my way of prioritizing what was important (from my POV). Here is the reference from the British publication Nature. 0000536402 00000 n You answer in a round about way. So I don't trust the viability of this list. The title of the list is bogus. Again, You can buy from any company you want and you will never get any GMO seeds from Monsanto or anyone else. [10], In 1981, Ferry-Morse became part of France's Groupe Limagrain, the largest seed producer in the world. Or do you actually believe that all the lawsuits [which there are many beyond what happened in India] and the complaints against Monsanto are manufactured and Monsanto and GMO seeds are above reproach? 0000017030 00000 n I've made an attempt to at least present some links to what should be reliable sources of information. 0000011436 00000 n I see the natural world, and I see the effect that humans have had on it, when they assume that they know enough to tamper with it. [14][15], In 2021, Central Garden & Pet acquired Green Garden Products and its brand names Ferry-Morse, American Seed, Livingston Seed, McKenzie, NK Lawn & Garden, Jiffy, SUPERthrive, Dyna-Gro and Seeds of Change.[16].
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