table visual- Thanks a lot of the help! The Check Filtered Measure is only necessary if you want to have the visual appear blank prior to your selection. [Region] removing 3 of them. The Card should be displaying the message. Instead, there is a fx option. This properly filters the table, but also reverse-filters graph A, which now *only* shows the bar I initially selected. Im having the same issue. What type of visual are you using? If you only have Reading view access, or the report has been shared with you, you can't change the visual interactions settings. Create a card to work as a mask for the visual. If there is nothing selected in the slicer, I dont want to see the matrix at all, but instead see some instructions on what to do. Id like to be able to hide the content of the matrix as you describe, but since each row of the matrix filters the Part Number at the row level, I get [Hide Visual] = 1 all the time. Awesome! The second type gets passed to the target, based on the page-level filters of the source page. Each request can have a single or several destinations for a single or several passengers. Hi Shannon, make the unselected sub-groups more transparent than the selected one. it shows level as nil , but when i choose pump I want the card to hide. You need to have at least two values in the visual you are trying to hide (filter) with the Check Filtered. I was able to hide the table however, I have a vertical scroll on the table which is not working. Then put the hide measure on the slicers, and set the Financial Year slicer to is 1, and the Planning Year slicer to is 2. Have a look at this article showing how to conditionally format Just apply the same logic with the above transparent approach to do what you want. Coming from the Qlikview world and having used that for the past 8 years, its amazing to me that simple SHOW/HIDE conditions are not available yet in PBI. I am not 100% sure but I think you can do this with a matrix and table (you definitely can with cards), you would have to check. Its all clever stuff.but the key thing I think when reading this (as someone who uses Power BI, Tableau and Business Objects) is why on earth is there not a native hide function in Power BI?! Change how visuals interact in a report - Power BI Its just coming up as is less than and its frozen. Hope this helps. What Visual are you using? Hi Pablo, The Hide Visual measure returns the values 1 or 0 in a card depending on if I click a slicer. The answer is simple: Power BI is 4 years old, Tableau is 16 years old and Business Objects is 26 years old. That sounds correct to me. Moreover, if I change the values 0 and 1 in Check filtered, the matrix will be hidden forever without any reaction to check boxes. bikes as an option) The picture of the described case is available by the link on, Looking at your image, it appears you have placed the Check Filtered measure onto your card. Meanwhile, thanks for sharing a great, practical woraround. Could you please share your sample pbix file if you don't have any Confidential Information.? Microsoft has announced that it will continue to build out expression based formatting across the product. If Check filtered == 0 the matrix is showing data. Hello, Im having an issue with the Check Filtered measure when I add this into Filters on this visual I cant interact with it at all? mountain, road) Updated: 22 Sep 2021. Sales line2 joined with date and customer 2 table The second table is showing all content though I have set the Hide visual measure in Filter pane. Can we send the visual to Back/Backward using DAX? I tryed also to hide a matrix, a table or something else and it does not seem to work. I found that it seems to have a drawback, however, in that it cannot be used when you have the column which the slicer uses also in the rows section of the matrix. Just thought Id point out that if the field that your filtering with is in the visual that your trying to hide, then the visual wont disappear since it will be set to all in Filters on this visual. One caveat, due to the layering, its not possible to cross-filter using the visual when it is visible. I am not quite sure what you are asking. It works the one way when a filter is applied but doesnt seem to work the other way when a filter is cleared to reset to no show all the records in the table? In this situation we need to take advantage of CONCATENATEX() to return the selected values as a text string, and then test that string for a specific combination. Now when I select button2table , the chart visual should change to table However, that behavior can be changed. Jason, Excellent post., response to Pam regarding the Gauge visual below,,,,,, 4. How visuals cross-filter each other in a Power BI report Hi Aaron, Checked Total Sales goes onto the Values of the gauge. Is it just that you cant set that filter on a card? . Not ideal. I agree Hugh. Filters and highlighting in Power BI reports - Power BI As I mentioned below, I just duplicated my column, used one in the grid and the other one in the slicer. So basically Im trying to do the same as your example with a few differences : I have 2 slicers that must influence the message and the blank visual : Country & Customer But our users have IE as the default. This means there is no need to cover the entire matrix with the card layer, we can just cover over the top two rows, to achieve the same visual effect. Hope it helps anyone with same issue. Home Blog How to Show or Hide a Power BI Visual Based on Selection, Updated: 17 Jan 2020. any idea why? Next youll set your Hide measure: Step-1: Create a static table with measure name. 1.Bar chart 2.Line Chart 3.Tree Map, Requirement is: I now have a slightly more complex challenge I have a slicer called Year Type which offers two types of calendar Financial Year and Planning Year. Write a measure to display a user message on the card based on the user selection (type Text). Providing the column you are using on your slicer has a relationship to the data being evaluated by the measure, the values will be evaluated under the context of the selected value. Screenshot attached for reference. I try this but is not worked for me. Both of these default behaviors can be overridden, and interactions can be set, on a per-visualization basis. Personally, I find PBI to be a distant 3rd to the other tools I mentioned. Another approach would be to set the title of the chart to give a message instructing the user to select a value first, Cool and clever approach, but the transparent card gets in the way of interacting with the underlying visual. level 1 four options (i.e. Hi Matt, From the Fields pane, select the field you want to add as a new report-level filter, and drag it into the Report level filters area. Thanks for sharing. 0) Types of filters in Power BI reports - Power BI | Microsoft Learn Many thanks! I think this is essentially the same as what Sarah asked in the previous comment. Thanks for the response and options here! So if I have 2 objects (tables) layered one on top of the other, I should be able to control the DISPLAY attribute easily. Really appreciate your work. The hidden table will be fine, because cross filtering vs highlight filtering makes no difference to a table, but it does impact how columns are displayed, and thus we need the selection visuals to act as slicers and apply a filter across the page. I have 4 filters which I need to have selected for a visual to appear or become active. Thanks for the article. Can you please show me how would the formula be if I want to use the function of specific selection in a slice? This still works in the May2021 version. If someone have any clues to how I could make this work, I'd really apreciate the input. I want the buttons to be hidden until the user selects a category. Hi Ibs, Show or Hide a Power BI Visual Based on Selection Until there, it worked perfectly, but I started experiencing issues with the visual, it wont become transparent when there are two categories (Country & City) in the shared axis field, or only Country in the field for instance. Hi Amulya, Can you check to see if a specific value is selected and return 1, else 0? Can you pls help me on below senero: You cant use the CheckFiltered measure on a card because a card only displays a single value, and thus cant be filtered. If you want to save this guide for the next time you need to Show or Hide a Power BI visual based on selection, you can download the sample workbook here. Question, what if you want to do a drill through, rather than a slicer? PowerBIservice. level 3 group max of two options (i.e. You have to explicitly set the Make Transparent measure Data type: Text. If the Card is covering the entire table, you wont be able to interact with the contents of the table, including the scroll bar. Then provides the table name & click on Load button. If a Part Name however can have multiple Part Numbers, then you will get the alternate result (a blank) returned by the [Measure] if more than one part number for that part name is selected. it is already possible to use expression based formatting to set the background colour of objects. Basically Im doing similar things as you : when I select a country the message disappears and graphs are visible. (I am happy because I was bumped out I wasn't able to figure it out in the first place while the answer is not as complicated as I initially thought it would be). category AND/OR subcategory AND/OR colour AND/OR shape. Now when you drill down (and up) in a visualization, the other visualizations on the report page change to reflect your current drilling selection. I can do any conditional formatting under the Data colors. Are you able to share an image of you model design, and your report page? I cant think of a way to differentiate between no filter and all. And is there a way to clear out all filters so that if you have multiple drill downs to the same page, it clears out all the filters by default first? In your case all or everything by definition is unfiltered. HASONEVALUE(Security[User]), Rows = Parts[Part Name] The tree map is cross-filtering the line chart and the map. In the walkthrough the value is 1. Hi Matt, Thanks for sharing wonderful trick..But there is a problem when we using more then 3 visuals.. very much appreciate the effort you have taken to bring beginners like me along and I feel I can do it in principle. With that I mean if a user would click on a bar, more details would appear (the treemap would become transparent) depending on the selection of the bar. For me the scenario is, If All selected in my slicer then I should see a Line chart showing Lines for each value of the slicer. Very informative and easy to understand. Then the rest of your visual can be interacted with as shown in the Matrix example in the post. Hi Paula, Hi Keertika, The || is a logical OR, but gives you the flexibility to move beyond a binary condition. Can you tell me how you fixed it? I think IE is up to version 11.7, so you probably cant even get support for this unless it is not working in the latest version. However, the values in the cards change and seem to be right. If nothing is selected then the message appears over table Bs heading. and done in 10 minutes thanks to you. Im guessing that is the reason why the Show items when the value is dropdown box is not enabled. i.e Yes. The same applies to Cards. thank you so much for such a simple yet effective method of achieving something you would hope is an option. The problem is the card becomes transparent but is still considered the object in front, not allowing users to click on the other objects. But after adding Hide Visual measure to my Filters on this visual, the drop down does not work. If youre using a visual like a Card or Gauge, then you cant slice your values on the visual. when i apply above measure on visual, Im unable to use filter. Once you have set the Format By bucket to Format by : Field Value, then you should be able to select the Make Transparent measure. Where ever you can see the Fx button next to an item in the format pane, there you can use expression based formatting. If you get the DAX right, the rest should be straight forward. @marlonip, the funniest thing happened. It appears that placing the invisible card in front of my visuals prevents me from being able to hover over charts and view the tooltips for each visual. The Show/Hide technique will enable you to hide the bubbles on the map, but unfortunately the Map visual always renders the picture of the world. adroll_language = "en_AU"; Power BI for the Business Analyst (with live Q&A), Dimensional Modeling (Excel and Power BI), 30 Reasons You Should Be Considering Power BI. Another way you could have written your Check Filtered test would be: Updated: 27 Apr 2022 Walkthrough Video Added. -chart visual- This was frustrating me for quite a few minutes until I realized what was going on. This will make my reports so much more user-friendly. I checked the order and the cards are in front and graphs/tables are behind them. With regards to using it in RLS, please see my reply to Raj below. loved the video. Create a measure that is 1 if filtered, 0 if not. Subscribe to the newsletter and you will receive an update whenever a new article is posted. Great thanks, I solved it as you say by overlaying two scattergrams with the same set axes and one which has an inactive relationship to the slicer. Hi Abu, There will always be such differences in such a case. Hi Matt, This is great! Do you have the same column of data being used on the Bar chart? This is amazing thank you. The short answer is: No, it doesnt need to be a slicer. Sales 2 joined with Sales lines 2 and Item 2 table. Hi Matt, Thank you Jason for responding. Open the Visualizations and Filters pane and the Fields pane, if they're not already open. At first it didnt work properly, becouse the based on field didnt accept my make transparant measure. d. Hide Labels = IF([ShowHide] = [Current User], Black, #FFFFFF00) In the Check Filtered measure, I had to test different columns of the master table ISFILTERED(MasterTable[FindTheRightColumnHere]) and all of a sudden it worked. Hi Matt really enjoy your articles have your website on my regular to read list. Check that your Check Filtered measure is returning an integer not a boolean. If Qlik added it 12 years ago, that would make it a feature added after 15 years of use. Im using this on a stacked bar to unhide another visual but am coming up with a problem whereby some of the elements of the stacked bar (3 x time status e.g. @Matt Allington, can you please guide me on how to use this technique on donut charts and bar chart? my backgrounds are a dark navy blue and I dont think changing the text from white to navy blue works. example : I have one mesure Avg_order_value = Total sales / total orders. Power BI does not allow me to set the background conditional formatting (Field Value) to to Make Transparent. Very nice trick. Yes, you are right I found this too. In order to render the Matrix blank, it is the matrix that needs to be filtered by the Check Filtered measure. button3chart button4table I have followed the process but not getting the end result what is expected. Next we will create a measure that will display or hide a message to the user on the card. Sales line1 joined with date and customer 1 table I am using one bar graph to hide/filter another, and the hidden graph to filter a table that is always visible. Of the top of my head, the and effect is caused by the relationships, so you would need disconnected slicer tables.
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