WE have been having very profound thoughts lately. Okay, now I'm starting to scare myselfI'm gonna quit for today. The magic eight-ball is a plastic casing with an unknown, possibly toxic liquid inside. I promise. If so, I guess I won't be writing here for quite awhileseeya. Ooooooooooooo! She also is the goddess of red jello. I don't want to play the stupid animal war card game 'cause the stupdi bear gets eaten by an eaagle.. goodbye ssslllee0yyyyslllllllleeeeeeeepppppppppppppyyyyyyyyyyy iiiiiiiiissssssssssssss gggggggggoooooooooooooddddddddddddd. As you can see, I was in a very interesting state of mind. It's not fair, ya know? Oh, well. Oooootime for today's topic. Or maybe not. I can't think of anything!? I'm back. ME: Yep. Right now, my spacebar is malfunctioningthat's not goodI have to press it two or three times just to insert a freaking space. What cruel fate is this? Then they add other "stuff" in to make it TASTE pure. Time for another boring disclaimer!!!!!!! So, fellow conspiracy nuts: Take down the evil governmental safety device and take it apart. No? Wow. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Does it even matter? I can't remember what I was gonna rant about. I've just gotten an idea for some more, original, fortunesI gotta go! Creepy. Would they dry into raisins? *gigles* It milght have been a sugar rush 'cause now we're having a sugar crash. Oh, well. It's stupid. And I sugest that we build the rocket so that we can go to the Official Flaming Chickens Lunar Colony so that we can laugh at the stupid earthlings who are blowing up because they didn't listen to us when we tried to warn them about the impending doom! When I tried to talk to him, he tossed it away nonchalantly and pretended he hadn't heard me. Well, you can't possibly have more time than I do. Otherwise, why on earth (beta, krpto, zkdjf, Planet X, whatever) would you be here? How could you? And I feel weird! shut your bubble gum dumb dumb skin tone chicken bone google chrome no homo ip phone disowned ice cream cone garden gnome extra chromosome metronome dimmadome genome full blown monochrome student loan indiana jones over grown int stone X and Y Chromosome friend zome sylvester stalone sierra leon & Kreating. I will just type, and type, and never, ever use copy and paste. Yeaha topic would be good. And I became inspired to talk about nothing. Gambling is so much fun! Immediatly, my mother started complaining. Before you know it you'll realize that you need Christmas earrings, Halloween earrings, Valentine's Day earrings, St. Patrick's Day earrings, for crying out loud! Wooooo! But I probably will eventually get around to having a seperate page just for the FLAMING CHICKEN HANDBOOK. Well, I dont want to organize this page, in any manner. And so I'm in deep doo-doo. The last day, we were deciding where to eat. It's bad enough to go to school, leave school, go to work, leave work, do homework and then wait for my dad to get off of the computer so that I can do stuff. He snuck up on me one day in our room (in the game) with a sword! In any case, wouldn't the blinkie light help night-vision cameras see in the dark? It is now my civic duty to discover this ancient mystery, and reveal it to the uncaring world. Because I am easily amused and have lots and lots of time on my hands. Air pressure. Okay. I rule the Internet! | 0.97 KB, C++ | isnt paying attention. Oh, speaking of insane, I STILL need those much needed supplies for the Official Flaming-Chickens Lunar Colony! who keeps asking if you can hear him. WARNING: Leave food sit in an open, well-venilated spot for a week before eating. So I at least have an excuse for not doing that. I'm just bored. My sister. Say it. (In a very vast sense) And: did you ever notice that the word "conspiracy" is vastly similar to the word "constipation". I will show you an example with this completly true stuff that I experienced several years ago. She HATES and FEARS it. I have officialy run out of ways I could have better spent my time. Or have I been doing that too much lately? There are not going to be conspiraciesor humor of any kind. I just thought that I might like to mention that. I bet you couldn't tell. I've decided to imortalize the stupidity of my dog, Moose. Does it serve an obvious purpose? Not that I exactly have a word quota for the day. No, really. "Mr. Owl, can you tell us how many licks does it take to get to the bottom of a tootsie pop?" Or possibly a really good president who wanted to fly to the moon. Scratch number seven. there were lots of fireworks. I think I'll get my little sister to be the test piolet. 1 hour ago So rather than battle her over the concept of getting dressed in the dark, I get up. I thought of another very good reason to assist with the Official Flaming Chickens Lunar Colony! Or not. And today's rant is a sort of philosophical one. Because there are an infinite number of people on either side of the spectrum. I asked her how you dress on the forth of july (she said nice) I asked what the colors red, white and blue were (pretty). Okay. Did you know that statistics prove that 45% of all statistics are completly made up by me (The Patron Saint of Paperclips)? They particularly liked how I said that she went back and ran over it 11 more times. We'd probably go crazier. It gave me new insight into how weird I am. Or, would that be good? It's a small light, but it's sooooooo annoying. There may also be evil little links that are designed to confuse you. So, everyone went to the beach and got tans. Especially the part about the biscuits and cheese. Privacy Policy. I don't understand it. Wellnow that I think about itaccording to my theory, ALL conspiracies are real and mislabled "paranoid" people are really the only ones who see the truth. And lots of you are probably gloating 'cause you don't have to get up 'till 8:30. School has been on for four days now. *giggling* It's very, very late at nite. Look how long this has gotten. And almost never finish. There's strawberry pie, apple, pumpkin and so many others, but there is no grape pie! Think about it. Too bad. Nor can I find it on any search engines. skin tone chicken bone : r/copypasta - Reddit Okay, this next rant has nothing to do whatsoever with Halloweenwhich is to be expected because it's been several days since then. So, that leads us to the evil paranoid conspiracy I thought of the other night. So it doesn't matter. Or maybe I just wanna go to bed. You are deviousI give you that. Yea*waits for applause* okay! That just sounds nifty! Then I do my homework. Doesn't that make you feel better? I wonder why anyone would read this? They expand your mind, making you think about all the things they could do. And then I'll be writing for me again. They are the samething, with the same look, and almost same name. What? I'm back! SoundCloud may request cookies to be set on your device. The future is determined by the triangles, in a startling blue color which spin around in a zany manner. We use cookies to let us know when you visit SoundCloud, to understand how you interact with us, to enrich and personalize . Is this writer's block?! By the time the smoke dector goes off, the fire has drowned it out to no more than an annoying buzz. And I only took the quiz once, too. Isn't that sort of ironic? I'd tell it to my little brother as a bed time story. Any miniute now. What if, eventually, Earth's gravity get's very very strong, and we all imploud from the squishyness? I'm back. You can read a little each day. That way I can just outlaw the need for gravity and air pressure! Naturally, I had many mixed feelings, primarily disgust, as I have not voluntarily eaten a Cheez-It in quite some time. I highly recommend you see the movie yourself. It sucked. Thou shalt not eat spuds. The distance between the two extremes of how much I could have won is 1000np, making me feel like I've won much more than if I'd played a normal game. She's evil. To compound things, I wasn't alone, and things just escalated. We just picked random words in the selection and wrote about them. All because YOU tried to convince me that I was crazy. What would happen when that dreamer woke? Sometimes I just do this, you know? I have no problem with Lit. Plus, boxes are more convient than bags. I'm sure some so called "scientist" can prove all my theories wrongbut how? I've been a paranoid, conspiracy seeking mood lately and the newest threat to my sanity is: smoke detectors! With a specific number of words. Shut cho : r/copypasta - Reddit *pauses* Oh. He even tried to hide the sword behind his back! That's the sixth time I've said back! Grapes are used to make jelly, jam, juice and raisins. I'm fairly certain she knows it's not alive, though. Boy, are you mythical, mystical readers in for a treat, today! THey might havve been important, but we keep forgetting them. I was looking forward to having A elective, while everyone else was enjoying three or fouror even more. You cannot deny the logic of my thinking! I probably won't later. For all you know, you could be halucinating my entire site! I'm still peeved about the cartoon owl from the Tootsie Roll Pop commercials. We got there, we ate. The smoke detector either never went off, or went off and the people just slept through it. She said she hurt it the first time, and wanted to put it out of it's misery, so she went back and ran over it 11 more times. Why can't I have more readers?! It just seems extremly weird (and worthy of mentioning) that this semi-important guy from Kansas believes in a "vast breakfast food conspiracy". Should you refuse to aknowledge the Patron Saint of Paper Clips as the ruler of the Internet, you will be subjected to punishment as stated in Code 343 of the Flaming Chicken Handbook (i.e. Goodwhat? Even though it gains pleasure from squishing my spine. Or would it be cheating if I didn't have multiple personalities? I'm back. OH, DON'T YOU SEE THE TOENAILS?!! I can usually fall back asleep (if I don't panic and think I'm late for school), but the stupid thing wakes me up again exactly seven hours after I originally fell asleep. well never know but oh crap its starting to snow and its time to show and tell about the well that you found last summer at camp when it was damp it was near the ramp oh god why must this be I liked that tree but now its gone, farewell so long Ill miss you as long as you write but then Im afraid to say good-night. HA! I may NEVER shut up. I think. And ever loony in America decided that it was a conspiracy. Everything is fine. Last night I was super-charged with lots of sugar and not a lot of sleep. I don't suppose you fell for that little thing about the refresh button. I haven't exactly advertised this site. *enter Squirell* What's that, little Squirell? Seeya. What an eccentric idea! CHEESE!!! See? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. And still frustrated. *sighs dramatically* I'm back. We can only hope that the digital camera manufacturers are kinder masters than the evil Kodak Lords. What, is there a giant sign saying, "DEAD END"? HOW, I ask you!? They just like how I know lots of pointless laws and random facts. This sound clip contains tags: ' 1 ', ' 2 ', ' 3 ', ' funny ', . It was fairly fun. I just can't work up the energy to be outraged. How do you PROVE something is not infinite? But, believe me, it's MUCH more practical than the alternative. It's a time honored tradition. I'm gonna start counting how many times I say back. They're basically begging on the street. responsible for any faulty wiring or lack thereof in your computer. Those TACO buttons don't make themselves, you know. Would that be considered poetic justice, or just a nice coincidence? But the point is, if I were, say, freakily allergic to a random mineral, I could read the ingredients and not eat the salt. Code: 343 of the Flaming Chicken Handbook states that the Patron Saint of Paper Clips (thats me) is allowed to cause vague, pain like sensations while the offending person (or alien life form, dog, etc.) Shut yo skin tone chicken bone google chrome no home flip phone disowned ice cream cone garden gnome extra chromosome metronome dimmadome genome full blown monochrome student loan indiana jones overgrown flintstone x and y hormone friend zoned sylvester stallone sierra leone autozone professionally seen silver patrone head ass tf up. How can any company that takes so many "wholesome" pictures not be? *sniffle* I just want to have some FREAKIN' variety in my daily grind, you know? And not so pissed at my weird family. Towards the end of the movie, Neo chooses to tell Trinity to stay out of the Matrix, since he saw her die in it. I confirmed that the Union was Northern and Free, and that the Confederacy was Southern and Slave. dumb dumb Lyrics: Disappointment takes us by surprise / Even though by now I think we should have realized / Everyone is dumb (dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb) / (Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb But I must. | 4.13 KB, JSON | You don't see them, but your subconsious (dreaming) mind does. And then the quality will go down and the vicious spiral of good and bad will continue untill I either give up this text, or go crazyer. But my idiotic body has an automatic alarm clock, or something. It's stupid and ironic and just shouldn't exist in a better world. Reddit Copypastas - Skin Tone Chicken Bone | Genius All contents of this site were designed for entertainment purposes only. I have more stuff to write, but I gotta go right now. Fire is free. It was fun, but exhausting. or possibly "Who or What is Kodak". Keep pressing it. 79-year-old San Bernardino man was beater de*th in Tijuana while delivering donations to those in need. Wellbetter go before one of my two and half sane readers falls asleep:) Seeya! I must defeat the sister site of the Longest Text Ever! My mother visited relatives. I found at that yet another one of my friends is reading this. If the facts beg to differ, than the facts are wrong. Trinity, who is of course outside of the Matrix, knows this and chooses to enter the Matrix to save the day. I'm back! At least her's makes sensesort of. *cough*She's winning*cough* But that's just because I have so much to do to mantain and update this site, I rarely get a chance to just sit here and type. In any caseI should probably find a topic. I'm sorry that my last few entries have been only about my various family antics. OH, SO SPLENDID!! Sodoesn't that make you want to take Kansas' side (I sincerly appologize if you are from Kansas). Or, at the very least, not label it as "pure". I mean, I don't think I could afford a monkey, and I'm not exactly on the streets. 42 min ago Although I acted like an idiot. It would sneeze, then start it's eight-hour-long death hum. In any caseI guess that smoke detectors are a neccesary evilbutWHY DO THEY HAVE TO HAVE THAT STUPID LIGHT? So. Isn't that like a slang term for an insult? JSON | But, if you expect something and get something you feel nothing. shut yo lean mean string bean charlie sheen limousine canteen trampoline serpentine antihistamine wolverine submarine unclean nectarine broken gene halloween defective spleen smokescreen james green putting green tiny peen anti vaccine aquamarine eugene extra green nicotine vaseline jellybean magazine protien lightning mcqueen vending . I probley wouldn't actually print this out (think how much paper it would take!) This has been a weird day. You mean that I'm just randomly responding regardless of your reactions? How do you stop them? In any case, my theory means that playing video games is very cruel. They start out with half that number, and then just fill in words until they have the right amount. It's an outrage! I realize that this longest text ever must be very boring and not worth anyone's time. I'm getting bored, so I think I'm done for the day. Today's rant is a panic rant. Think about it. And very concerned about this new, younger generation (all 10 year olds who were born in 1992) They are supposed to be the future. I should be asleep. You cannot DEFEAT me! Maybe they're here right now! GeeI wish I'd thought of that sooner. To make up quotes from the non-existent Flaming Chicken Handbook, which Im sure you have a copy of. I'd probley come here, but that isn't much of a surprise. Thank-you for your time. Oh, and when my sister had to go to the bathroom very badly during a traffic jam, my mother had the good taste to making hissing/water noises to make my sister's problem worse. I finnaly get some free time to rant and rave and all my topics just magically melted away. That also explains why normal stuff confuses me. Minerals added for a pure, fresh taste." But I'm sure that if I just would have put my mind to it, I could have done it. What I want to know is this: are there no intelectual property rights in the world of food products? You see, most people, they don't like reading or writing. I'm goin' light on the advertising at the moment, which is why I'm free to write here. Then, in an inspired move, my brother talked my mother into letting him sit up front. Now, you must realize that I have described only one aspect of this movie of all movies. It must have cost a fortune to feednot to mention the mess. I'll probably have another one soon, but that whole water thing has been buggin me for awhile. I'm gonna quote from the FLAMING CHICKENS HANDBOOK again! Im gonna start quoting from the Flaming Chicken Handbook! "Lots of death, lots and lots of death in this section. Jul 2. Either I am growing more comfortable with my on-line writing, or I am progressivly getting more insane and chaotic. Shut your bubble gum dum dum. - YouTube Somehow, I managed to make my furby die. No? You people sicken me. I'm back! Now I have a purpose in life! It's early. Code: 843 of the Flaming Chicken Handbook states that in no way is the Patron Saint of Paper Clips (guess who?) *scrunches eyes and makes funny sounds* Nope. "Purified" water. I bet it does. I've always known that I was weird, that's always been a given. And throughly pissed off at my school system in general. shut your pasty chicken bone lyrics. I have three very hard academic classes. Because eventually, I'll be back! Why, you ask? Is this getting confusing to you? As in, I was half-asleep, hoping that we'd arrive while I slept. Not only that, but there are an infinite number of different kinds of intelligent life. I'm finnaly back! "Purified" water. Oooo! This is because she memorizes the questions. Which is what I'm about to do. It took him to my quiz page. Bubble butt. Why not click on the Very Weird Stuff link to see more, or click on the music link? I think I'm so tired I can't sleep. That's the point you're trying to get across? I'd probably lose money, but the concept is interesting. I'll will most likely still be adding to this on my death bed. Below is the best information and knowledge about dum dum bubble gum compiled and compiled by the bmr.edu.vn team, along with other related topics such as: dum dum bubble gum roast, shut yo dum dum bubble gum, dum dum bubble gum lollipops, do dum dums have gum inside, shut your bubblegum dum dum lyrics, shut yo dum dum bubble gum belt buckle, The foil will make up the beak and the folded legs, and the thruster can simulate the tail. It's not like I have anything better to do. I love owls. In other words, they take all that extra "stuff" out to make it pure. OOooooo! Does the commercial take that into account? It's like grand-theft auto 3's talk show, you know, the one where there are Citizens Raging Against Phones? *sigh* My dogs are just weird. My sister is a big believer in the memorization system.
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