Therefore, I found it important to not just reflect on my work and the working environment, but also the process of reflection itself. 207-216. I continued to learn more about Alices life over the following weeks. i9-i26. Challenging perspectives: Reflexivity as a critical approach to Critical Reflection to Identify Gaps between Espoused Theory and Theory-in-Use. Did my upbringing, that instilled and encouraged a deference to authority and professional figures, blunt my critical faculties in relation to the care and support offered by individual staff members? Beresford, P. & Wilson, A., 2002. Arriving at an understanding of the multiple levels of oppression and discrimination that have shaped and distorted Alices life has not only heightened my awareness in this particular case but it has also changed the way I will approach practice situations in the future. Source: Reflective Writing. Can Poverty Drive You Mad? Tannebaum, R. P., Hall, A. H. & Deaton, C. M., 2013. Trevithick, P., 2012. 1st ed. Self-reflection is a vital part of evaluation of services and abilities. Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) 4.0 International License. London: HMSO. Avoiding the traps: Seeking good practice in the use of self assessment and reflection in professional courses. Social work has traditionally been constructed as the professional knowing best, and continues to be practised in a way where the practitioner holds most of the power (Holmes and Saleeby, 1993). However, it soon became clear to me that the fast-paced working environment, where at times paperwork was promoted over practice, meant that reflection could potentially be ignored in favour of bureaucracy and targets (DCruz et al, 2007). Jessica Eslinger, MSW What am I still working on? A place to live: Housing needs for people with psychotic disorders identified in the second Australian national survey of psychosis. An effective way to protect clients and practitioners alike is to avoid any suggestion that the ethical issue is Supported housing is often regarded as a positive environment that promotes recovery-oriented practice (Harvey, et al., 2012), but it can also be experienced as an oppressive and hostile setting where staff are at best indifferent to the needs of service users or can actively act as the oppressor (Bengtsson-Tops, et al., 2014). 1st ed. Data analysis indicated that critical reflection is not a priority for direct practice social workers in the context of privilege. Alice showed me a scar on her right wrist and stated that she had tried to commit suicide in the past and was now experiencing suicidal ideation once again. I was able to be more honest with my supervisor about what I thought of my work. I then moved on to look at how reflection promoted me to engage with theory in practice, in particular in relation to systems theory. WebSocial workers also understand the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination and recognize the extent to which a cultures structures and values, including social, economic, political, and cultural exclusions, may oppress, marginalize, alienate, or create privilege and power. Maidenhead: Open University. Tew (2005) noted that the in the social model of mental distress, core values required include looking at the person and their situation holistically, removing the us and them thinking that tends to dominate mental health services, listening to what people really have to say, and being committed to anti-oppressive practice. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. You may be required to have a take charge attitude as an advocate for your clients. He had an allocated community psychiatric nurse (CPN) who would visit occasionally, and at times he also met with a psychiatrist. Department of Health, 2014. {^X@|%JcN" &3g8KY9p+a6D1 sJ,hp( FYjF Oj,+*[ZA9X"82I0N$#Re7+TNQxsn$;Kb^ x7677i7)UnS\KHNrd?H{n'_{n)>:;d-(nG$$,z>/`J|RyKg:3PxoI3znYqok\\^_[5GE6N.Ig9iE^>BQ^Z*,q[X&?N;|(q0]K$B:3ObE2X1=dO'. McCarthy, T. and Galvani, S. (2004) SCARS: A new model for social work with substance misusePractice, 16(2), 85-97. The physical scars on Alices body as a result of these experiences can be understood from a postmodern perspective as embodied manifestations of power and oppression (Tangenburg & Kemp, 2002). Social Work: A Critical Approach to Practice. Reflective practice is an essential skill for those working in health and social care, but why is it so vital and how can it be learned? This means that each communication is potentially categorised differently and therefore there is a danger that co-agencies conceive of a given situation in completely different ways (Hall & Slembrouck, 2009). She played a client 705-722. In Session A this allowed me to see how JKs addiction and mental health problems were also linked to issues with accommodation, physical health, relationships and employment. Social Work Education, 18 (2), 121-132. Stephanie also advises young people to improve their situations and gives her professional consultations. h27U0Pw/ Findings. Alices deteriorating mental health led me to conclude that her social worker needed to be informed of the situation. Working closely with JK over a period of several months supported me to be able to identify any issues quickly, and by the time I we were engaged in Session A, we had a good working relationship. Rutter, L. & Brown, K., 2012. 840-850. REFLECTION The Learning Centre - UNSW. Cambridge: Polity Press. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. more than 2 years ago. 2nd ed. It has been noted that the theory base of social work is dominated by euro-centric discourse, meaning that certain paradigms or perspectives may be excluded unintentionally (Trevethick, 2012). Furthermore, a social worker uses self-reflection to analyze personal and emotional feelings about a case or situation. (2010) Getting Started in C. Knott and T. Scragg (eds.) Social Work Education, 35(7), pp. 241-259. (2010) Effective Practice Learning in Social Work, Exeter: Learning Matters. Many of the people that we worked with had been subject to section 2 or 3 orders under the Mental Health Act 1983/2007, and were now experiencing aftercare under section 117. Please try again. British Journal of Social Work, 45(1), pp. This is an example of a reflective log to help you think about your own reflective writing. 280-298. I then realized that I was being challenged to do things outside of my comfort zone, and when underperformed, I would lose confidence. British Journal of Social Work, 1(37), pp. In more recent times reflective practice has been developed further into a concept of critical reflection (Payne, 2014). Effective Approaches to Risk Assessment in Social Work: An International Literature Review. Engaging in reflective writing will develop your understanding in many ways, including helping you to: You may want to mutethe music for this video. The implementation of The Care Act 2014 introduced new responsibilities and statutory duties on local authorities and partner agencies with an emphasis on moving away from process-driven practice (Cass, 2015). When working with JK, I was made aware of his engagement with mental health services, usually provided through the medical professions. I observed the patience and empathy that Alices social worker demonstrated during the interview process. How social workers reflect in action A degree of scepticism about existing knowledge, beliefs and values. Nerdrum, P., 1997. What was challenging? Housing, Care And Support, 18(2), pp. I am currently on placement in a Supported Housing Hostel for adults in Cambridgeshire. Reflection Others time? If your specific country is not listed, please select the UK version of the site, as this is best suited to international visitors. Fook J. and Gardner F. (2007) Practising Critical Reflection: A Resource Handbook, Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. Readiness for Field: What Do Field Instructors Think? Ingram, R., 2013. The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. Peer reflection Bywaters, P., 2015. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. Educating The Reflective Practitioner. Sarangi, S. & Slembrouck, S., 1996. Throughout field education, Brookfields guidelines can encourage the reflective process. This essay was written by Adrian Bloxham and was the winning social work entry in this years Critical Writing Prize 2019. This week I met with a social worker at Cherry Health which is located a few blocks from Heart of the City. Knowledge and Skills Statement for Social Workers in Adult Services. Social Work Skills and Knowledge ; A Practice Handbook. Towards a Biopsychosociopolitical Frame for Recovery in the Context of Mental Illness. Stressful Encounters with Social Work Clients: A Descriptive Account Based on Critical Incidents. WebSocial workers critically reflect on their practice, use analysis, apply professional judgement and reasoned discernment. The Weather Model WebExample of reflective writing *In some texts the Analysis and Discussion stages will be fused in one paragraph/section; in longer assignments they might be written as two separate sections. I discussed how I engaged with different models of reflection, experienced power dynamics, and explored different interpretations of mental distress. As I began to work with Alice it became increasingly clear to me that she had experienced discrimination and oppression throughout her life. WebAccountable: [the] social worker shouldnt be scared to ask for guidance and support. British Journal of Social Work, 39(1), pp. Working with Risk. Self-reflection is an important part of figuring it out. Many of the service users that we worked with had a dual diagnosis (problems with mental health and addiction). Leadership. Harvey, C., Killackey, E., Groves, A. I was able to address issues that I saw and to offer interventions. For example, I utilize my time effectively. Joe Farrell Transforming Social Work Practice: Postmodern Critical Perspectives. 2; I know what I need to do, but doing it regularly is tough. WebIn this webinar we explore reflective writing in social work, providing hints and tips. I noted this in my journal and tried to think, to be self-aware and to question as a first step towards reflecting on practice (Rutter & Brown, 2012, p. 30). 4th ed. The Learning Centre - UNSW. Is there a schizophrenic language?. Client Participation in Managing Social Work Service-An Unfinished Quest. The Essay Writing ExpertsUK Essay Experts. 1st ed. Being from Nigeria originally, and coming from a different cultural background than myself, meant that I had to be particularly careful in applying theory to the work that I did with JK.However, it is also clear that practice cannot just be based on routine or habit, with no basis in evidence (Thompson, 2009). Practice: Social Work in Action, 24(3), pp. Schwartz, S., 1982. Source: Reflective Writing. Our regional engagement leads (who are registered social workers), shared their views on peer reflection. This culminated in Alice being admitted to various psychiatric institutions in order to treat her schizophrenia and personality disorder. Thompson, N., 2010. Some of us are capable of much more than our field supervisors would expect, yet, let our inner negative thoughts overpower the positive ones and prevent us from reaching our true potential. Boud and Knight (1996) equally describe how reflection has come to be seen as self-evidently worthwhile without significant critique (p.32). JK also had a substantial history of criminal activity, which he said became necessary in order to maintain his addiction to certain illicit drugs. Fook, J. Department of Education, 2018. British Journal of Social Work, 27(1), pp. I recognised that where unequal power dynamics exist in a relationship, it is usually the partner with the most power that benefits most from the interaction (Milner and OByrne, 2002). Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. Am I going to be any good at this? The group members develop feelings of mutual interdependence and a sense of belonging. Eventually Alice became homeless, living on the street and addicted to heroin. The examination of your beliefs, values, attitudes and assumptions forms the foundation of your understanding. Maidenhead: Open University Press. Why knowing your "subject" is so important. reflection WebReflection involves thinking about what needs to be changed to improve future outcomes. Example Ameican Educational History Journal, 40(2), pp. KW\Q>RMFV! Cameron, A., Lart, R., Bostock, L. and Coomber, C. (2012) Factors that promote and hinder joint and integrated working between health and social care services, London: SCIE. Piat, M., Sabetti, J. In this essay I will explore my experience of reflection during my practice placement, and in particular in relation to a specific case study. 1st ed. 579-626. JK clearly appreciated my anti-oppressive approach, where I tried to work with him in partnership, and he was always keen to know when we would meet next. As I enter my MSW field placement, this is very important to keep in mind. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. Knowledge and skills for child and family practitioners, London: HMSO. Cass, E., 2015. For example, she can help the young clients keep guardianship over their children, continue to help administrations, soften the punishment for young convicts, or free them from imprisonment (Rivera-Ayala, 2021). Tew (2005) believes if mental health services were more receptive to the social model of looking at mental distress, then significant amounts of this stigma and the resultant oppression would be removed. Support from colleagues and supervisors was also invaluable in this process (Ruch, 2002). more than 1 year ago, The fear of being rejected and incorrect has been with me as long as I can remember. Hudson, A., 2015. 9-18. I have discussed my work with JK, and reflected on specific incidents and issues with him. Schon, D. (2002) From technical rationality to reflection-in-action in R. Harrison, F. Reeve, A. Hanson and J. Clarke (eds) Supporting Lifelong Learning: Perspectives on Learning, London: Routledge. Social Work, 56(1), pp. Davis, A, (2007) Structural Approaches to Social Work in J. Lisham (Ed.) Keeping a reflective diary of critical issues and my own thought process encouraged me to construct my understanding of the work I was doing, and justify what actions I had taken (White, 2001). Peer reflection encourages me to develop my reflection skills. An Exploratory Analysis of Unhealthy and Abusive Relationships for Adults with Serious Mental Illnesses Living in Supportive Housing. I found this to be the case at times, when I was expected to write my reflections at a certain time, and have reflective supervision in a certain way. *You can also browse our support articles here >. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. 541-553. (2010) An Introduction to Applying Social Work Theories and Methods, Maidenhead: Open University Press.
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