However, he proved a valuable adviser both for McKinley and for his Cabinet members. [161] McKinley came to office as a supporter of annexation, and lobbied Congress to act, warning that to do nothing would invite a royalist counter-revolution or a Japanese takeover. As a politician he led a realignment that made his Republican Party largely dominant in the industrial states and nationwide until the 1930s. Although McKinley had not entered the war for territorial aggrandizement, he sided with the imperialists in supporting ratification, convinced that the United States had an obligation to assume responsibility for the welfare of an alien people.. [22] Delayed in passing through Washington, D.C., the 23rd Ohio did not arrive in time for the battle but joined the Army of the Potomac as it hurried north to cut off Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia as it advanced into Maryland. These officials included Cortelyou, who served in three Cabinet positions under Roosevelt, and Dawes, who became vice president under Coolidge. How many siblings did William McKinley have? [35], After Cedar Creek, the army stayed in the vicinity through election day, when McKinley cast his first presidential ballot, for the incumbent Republican, Abraham Lincoln. [1] The McKinleys were of English and Scots-Irish descent and had settled in western Pennsylvania in the 18th century. Then, six days after the appearance of the Dupuy de Lme letter, the American battleship USS Maine suddenly exploded and sank as it sat anchored in Havana harbour, carrying 266 enlisted men and officers to their deaths. Well, they say, "Buy where you can buy the cheapest" Of course, that applies to labor as to everything else. [170] He was successful, and a new treaty was drafted and approved, but not before McKinley's assassination in 1901. William McKinley was born on Jan. 29, 1843, in Niles, Ohio. "[221] She was thought too weak to attend the services in Washington or Canton, although she listened at the door to the service for her husband in her house on North Market Street. [64] In 1878, McKinley was redistricted to the 16th congressional district; he won anyway, causing Hayes to exult, "Oh, the good luck of McKinley! Hanna established an unofficial McKinley headquarters near the convention hall, though no active effort was made to convert delegates to McKinley's cause. The Republican Party sent its leading orators to Canton, including Blaine (then Secretary of State), Speaker Reed, and President Harrison. The candidate then responded, speaking on campaign issues in a speech molded to suit the interest of the delegation. Cortelyou, who served in three Cabinet positions under Theodore Roosevelt, became a combination press secretary and chief of staff to McKinley. [158] McKinley had difficulty convincing the Senate to approve the treaty by the requisite two-thirds vote, but his lobbying, and that of Vice President Hobart, eventually saw success, as the Senate voted in favor on February 6, 1899, 57 to 27. McKinley was the son of William McKinley, a manager of a . How many siblings did Coretta Scott King have? William B. McKinley - Wikipedia [33] They fended off a Confederate assault at Berryville, where McKinley had a horse shot out from under him, and advanced to Opequon Creek, where they broke the enemy lines and pursued them farther south. They were the children of William Sr. and Nancy Allison McKinley. Family tree of William MCKINLEY - Geneastar Buffalo, New York. The Ohioan guided the McKinley Tariff of 1890 through Congress; although McKinley's work was altered through the influence of special interests in the Senate, it imposed a number of protective tariffs on foreign goods. William McKinley (1781 - 1807) - Genealogy Did William McKinley have any siblings? | [35] The next day, they moved north up the valley into winter quarters near Kernstown. [172] News of a possible departure from the gold standard stirred up immediate opposition from its partisans, and misgivings by the Indian administration led Britain to reject the proposal. The Republicans could not reverse the gerrymander, as legislative elections would not be held until 1891, but they could throw all their energies into the district. By Peri E. Arnold. [157] The talks continued until December 18, when the Treaty of Paris was signed. His 1890 McKinley Tariff was highly controversial and, together with a Democratic redistricting aimed at gerrymandering him out of office, led to his defeat in the Democratic landslide of 1890. Ida McKinley: Perseverance through Hardship - National Park Service How many siblings did Francisco Coronado have? New Lisbon, Columbiana Co., OH. [201], Although McKinley enjoyed meeting the public, Cortelyou was concerned with his security because of recent assassinations by anarchists in Europe, such as the assassination of King Umberto I of Italy the previous year. [156] Spain ultimately agreed to a ceasefire on those terms on August 12, and treaty negotiations began in Paris in September 1898. Cheering crowds throughout the journey attested to McKinleys immense popularity. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. [54] The United States had effectively been placed on the gold standard by the Coinage Act of 1873; when silver prices dropped significantly, many sought to make silver again a legal tender, equally with gold. [42], That same year, he moved to Canton, the county seat of Stark County, and set up a small office. Ohio History Central - Biography of William McKinley Jr. Spartacus Educational - Biography of William McKinley, William McKinley - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), William McKinley - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up), presidency of the United States of America (1897-1901), John William Griggs (from February 1, 1898), Ethan Allen Hitchcock (from February 20, 1899). McKinley ran on a Republican platform emphasizing maintenance of the gold standard, while his opponentWilliam Jennings Bryan, candidate of both the Democratic and Populist partiescalled for a bimetallic standard of gold and silver. Favorite pamphlets became dog-eared, grimy, fell apart as their owners laboriously restudied their arguments and quoted from them in public and private debate. [2] The family trade on both sides was iron-making. How many siblings did Oliver Cromwell have? McKinley insisted that a court of inquiry first determine whether the explosion was accidental. David Allison McKinley ws 63 years of age, having been born in 1829 in Canton, Ohoi, and was the eldest of a family of five children, one daughter and four sons, the most distinguished of whom is Governor William McKinley of Ohio, the author of the McKinley bill. [35] After initially falling back from the Confederate advance, McKinley helped to rally the troops and turn the tide of the battle. How many siblings did William Howard Taft have? [187] McKinley remained uncommitted in public, but Hanna was firmly opposed to the New York governor. "[100] Instead of going to the people, McKinley would remain at home in Canton and allow the people to come to him; according to historian R. Hal Williams in his book on the 1896 election, "it was, as it turned out, a brilliant strategy. Labinski, Nicholas Winter. All of the couple's property was returned to them by the end of 1893, and when McKinley, who had promised eventual repayment, asked for the list of contributors, it was refused him. [224] McKinley biographer Kevin Phillips suggests that the significant number of major memorials to McKinley in Ohio reflect the expectation among Ohioans in the years after McKinley's death that he would be ranked among the great presidents. Abraham Lincoln, JFK, and Richard Nixon were all middle children - take [213] He may also have sung part of his favorite hymn, "Nearer, My God, to Thee",[214] although other accounts have the first lady singing it softly to him. Returning to Ohio, he studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1867, and opened a law office in Canton, where he residedexcept for his years in Washington, D.C.for the rest of his life. [139] McKinley found Alger inadequate as Secretary of War, and did not get along with the Army's commanding general, Nelson A. Pres. William James McKinley, Jr. (1843 - 1901) - Genealogy William McKinley: Family Life By Lewis L. Gould With no surviving children and an invalid wife, President McKinley's private and family life was narrowly drawn. [170] The result under Roosevelt was the Panama Canal. McKinley was drawn as a child, easily controlled by big business. [236] After the assassination, the present United States Secret Service came into existence when the Congress deemed it necessary that presidential protection be part of its duties. Closer to home, McKinley and Hay engaged in negotiations with Britain over the possible construction of a canal across Central America. [32] By August, Early was retreating south in the valley, with Sheridan's army in pursuit. Find out more about his birthplace and early life in this lesson. McKinley biographer Margaret Leech noted that Canton had become prosperous as a center for the manufacture of farm equipment because of protection, and that this may have helped form his political views. Twenty Ohio schools bear McKinley's name,[223] and several more schools in the United States are named McKinley School. [180], According to historian Clarence A. Bacote, "Before the SpanishAmerican War, the Negroes, in spite of some mistakes, regarded McKinley as the best friend they ever had. [3] William McKinley having learned the iron business from his father managed a furnace near New Wilmington, PA. for twenty one years. He was an honorary member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. Twice he tried to remove a public reception from the president's rescheduled visit to the exposition. [187] McKinley affirmed that the choice belonged to the convention, not to him. Updates? All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. [160] There was strong American support for annexation, and the need for Pacific bases in wartime became clear after the Battle of Manila. "[89], The bosses still hoped to deny McKinley a first-ballot majority at the convention by boosting support for local favorite son candidates such as Quay, New York Governor (and former vice president) Levi P. Morton, and Illinois Senator Shelby Cullom. [79], Soon after Cleveland's return to office, hard times struck the nation with the Panic of 1893. [75] Although McKinley believed that the health of the nation depended on that of business, he was evenhanded in dealing with labor. Timeline | Articles and Essays | William McKinley Papers | Digital "[210][211] Relatives and friends gathered around the death bed. [203][204], A man in the crowd named Leon Czolgosz hoped to assassinate McKinley. But he is once again at the center of events, where he started. McKinley was the son of William McKinley, a manager of a charcoal furnace and a small-scale iron founder, and Nancy Allison. Waksmundski, John. How many siblings did Mary Todd Lincoln have? Ida never recovered from her daughters' deaths, and the McKinleys had no more children. By the time McKinley took the oath of office as president, many Americansinfluenced greatly by the sensationalistic yellow journalism of the Hearst and Pulitzer newspaperswere eager to see the United States intervene in Cuba, where Spain was engaged in brutal repression of an independence movement. How many siblings did Calvin Coolidge have? The new republic, dominated by business interests, had overthrown the Queen in 1893 when she rejected a limited role for herself. [108], The battleground proved to be the Midwestthe South and most of the West were conceded to Bryanand the Democrat spent much of his time in those crucial states. [217] Approximately 100,000 people passed by the open casket in the Capitol Rotunda, many having waited hours in the rain. He married Elizabeth Heron or Herring or Davidson on 1 January 1800, in Ireland. [148] Shafter's army engaged the Spanish forces on July 2 in the Battle of San Juan Hill. [234], Phillips writes that McKinley's low rating is undeserved, and that he should be ranked just after the great presidents such as Washington and Lincoln. How many children did president John Tyler have? He loved baseball, and he was a good second baseman and a power hitter. [38] Just before the war's end, McKinley received his final promotion, a brevet commission as major. Czolgosz concealed his gun in a handkerchief and, when he reached the head of the line, shot McKinley twice in the abdomen at close range. [188] After a stint as Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Roosevelt had resigned and raised a cavalry regiment; they fought bravely in Cuba, and Roosevelt returned home covered in glory. On April 20 Congress authorized the president to use armed force to secure the independence of Cuba, and five days later it passed a formal declaration of war. The nation focused its attention on the casket that first lay in the East Room of the Executive Mansion and then laid in state in the Capitol before being transported to Canton by train. [83], It is unclear when William McKinley began to seriously prepare a run for president. [198] On November 6, 1900, he was proven correct, winning the largest victory for any Republican since 1872. The William McKinley Monument stands in front of the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus and a large marble statue of McKinley is situated at his birthplace in Niles. How many siblings did Ernest Shackleton have? In the bitterness that followed the convention, Hanna abandoned Foraker. When Ohio was reached in the roll call of states, its votes gave McKinley the nomination, which he celebrated by hugging his wife and mother as his friends fled the house, anticipating the first of many crowds that gathered at the Republican candidate's home. Died September 14, 1901. [61] Hanna came to admire McKinley and became a friend and close adviser to him. [235] Phillips believes that part of McKinley's legacy is the men whom he included in his administration who dominated the Republican Party for a quarter century after his death. : William McKinley and the SpanishAmerican War", Nick Kapur, "William McKinley's Values and the Origins of the SpanishAmerican War: A Reinterpretation. [173] Even without the agreement, agitation for free silver eased as prosperity began to return to the United States and gold from recent strikes in the Yukon and Australia increased the monetary supply even without silver coinage. William McKinley was one of eight siblings, and didn't receive any How many siblings does George W. Bush have? How many siblings did Alexander the Great have? He was elected governor of Ohio in 1891 and 1893, steering a moderate course between capital and labor interests. [76] He procured legislation that set up an arbitration board to settle work disputes and obtained passage of a law that fined employers who fired workers for belonging to a union. [52] McKinley's friendship with Hayes did McKinley little good on Capitol Hill, as the president was not well regarded by many leaders there. Hanna, however, was little seen in the campaign; he spent much of his time raising funds for the election of legislators pledged to vote for Sherman in the 1892 senatorial election. How many siblings did Elizabeth Blackwell have? [12] McKinley quickly took to the soldier's life: he wrote a series of letters to his hometown newspaper extolling the army and the Union cause. He was a pioneer of the iron industry in eastern Ohio as well as the father of President William McKinley. William and Ida McKinley are interred there with their daughters atop a hillside overlooking the city of Canton. William McKinley: Life Before the Presidency | Miller Center ", secured the Republican nomination for president in 1896, generally ranked as an above-average president, William McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, Presidency of William McKinley SpanishAmerican War, had overthrown the Queen in 1893 when she rejected a limited role for herself, List of presidents of the United States by previous experience, Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, "The 1898 Wilmington Massacre Is an Essential Lesson in How State Violence Has Targeted Black Americans", "Letter from an African American citizen of Wilmington to the President", "How President William McKinley's Assassination Led to the Modern Secret Service", "William McKinley's Values and the Origins of the Spanish-American War: A Reinterpretation", William McKinley Presidential Library and Museum, Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, William McKinley served in the U.S. Congress and as governor of Ohio before running for the presidency in 1896. Although a mid-20th century investigation proved conclusively that the Maine was destroyed by an internal explosion, the yellow press convinced Americans of Spanish responsibility. [225], Statues bearing McKinley's image may be found in more than a dozen states, and his name has been bestowed on streets, civic organizations and libraries. William McKinley Sr. was born in Pennsylvania, in Pine Township, Mercer County. Birth Year: 1843. [35] In February 1865, Crook was captured by Confederate raiders. [213], At 2:15a.m. on September 14, 1901, McKinley died. He defeated his Democratic rival William Jennings Bryan after a front porch campaign in which he advocated "sound money" (the gold standard unless altered by international agreement) and promised that high tariffs would restore prosperity. "The Political Symbiosis of Rutherford B. Hayes & William McKinley" (Drew University;ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2015. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Full text available online through academic libraries. William McKinley was born on January 29, 1843, in the small town of Niles, Ohio. [134] Negotiations with Spain continued as the court considered the evidence, but on March 20, the court ruled that the Maine was blown up by an underwater mine. They were printed and distributed by the million but the people hankered for more. Based on past results, Democrats thought the new boundaries should produce a Democratic majority of 2,000 to 3,000. 1843--1901 William McKinley, the 25th president of the United States, was born in Niles, Ohio on January 29, 1843. [It is said] that protection is immoral Why, if protection builds up and elevates 63,000,000 [the U.S. population] of people, the influence of those 63,000,000 of people elevates the rest of the world. 7023867). Brady, David William. [28] On May 9, the army engaged Confederate troops at Cloyd's Mountain, where the men charged the enemy entrenchments and drove the rebels from the field. [88] Many of their early efforts were focused on the South; Hanna obtained a vacation home in southern Georgia where McKinley visited and met with Republican politicians from the region. Other McKinley appointees who later became major figures include Day, whom Roosevelt elevated to the Supreme Court where he remained nearly 20 years, and William Howard Taft, whom McKinley had made Governor-General of the Philippines and who succeeded Roosevelt as president. [152] The distance from Spain and the destruction of the Spanish navy made resupply impossible, and the Spanish government began to look for a way to end the war. We enjoyed it as much as he did. Even those who disagree with his policies and decisions see him as an active, responsible, informed participant in charge of decision making. Born in the Mount Auburn section of Cincinnati, Ohio, on September 15, 1857, William Howard Taft was a physically active child, playing sports and taking dancing lessons despite his tendency to obesity. How many siblings did Ulysses S. Grant have? McKinley served in the House of Representatives until 1891, failing reelection only twicein 1882, when he was temporarily unseated in an extremely close election, and in 1890, when Democrats gerrymandered his district. [14], After a month of training, McKinley and the 23rd Ohio, now led by Colonel Eliakim P. Scammon, set out for western Virginia (today part of West Virginia) in July 1861 as a part of the Kanawha Division. He warned against foreign interventions, "We want no wars of conquest. How many brothers and sisters did James K. Polk have? [22] The 23rd was the first regiment to encounter the Confederates at the Battle of South Mountain on September 14. How many siblings did Lyndon B. Johnson have? Charles Dawes, who had been Hanna's lieutenant in Chicago during the campaign, was considered for the Treasury post but by some accounts Dawes considered himself too young. Once there, they crowded close to the front porchfrom which they surreptitiously whittled souvenirsas their spokesman addressed McKinley. [199], Soon after his second inauguration on March 4, 1901, William and Ida McKinley undertook a six-week tour of the nation. [15] McKinley initially thought Scammon was a martinet, but when the regiment entered battle, he came to appreciate the value of their relentless drilling. [45] When McKinley ran for re-election in 1871, the Democrats nominated William A. Lynch, a prominent local lawyer, and McKinley was defeated by 143 votes. William McKinley - Assassination, Presidency & Death - Biography [43] His practice was successful enough for him to buy a block of buildings on Main Street in Canton, which provided him with a small but consistent rental income for decades to come. Overview For a long time, William McKinley was considered a mediocre President, a chief executive who was controlled by his political cronies and who was pressured into war with Spain by the press. Cullom proved unable to stand against McKinley despite the support of local Republican machines; at the state convention at the end of April, McKinley completed a near-sweep of Illinois' delegates. [44] In 1869, McKinley ran for the office of prosecuting attorney of Stark County, an office that had historically been held by Democrats, and was unexpectedly elected. American public opinion favored the rebels, and McKinley shared in their outrage against Spanish policies. The railroads subsidized the visitors with low excursion ratesthe pro-silver Cleveland Plain Dealer disgustedly stated that going to Canton had been made "cheaper than staying at home". Thousands of partisans came from Canton and surrounding towns that evening to hear McKinley speak from his front porch. [229] Kenneth F. Warren emphasizes the national commitment to a pro-business, industrial, and modernizing program represented by McKinley. Miles. Born William James MCKINLEY 25th President of the United States Born on Sunday, January 29, 1843 in Niles, Ohio, USA , United States Died on September 14, 1901 in Buffalo, New York, USA Born on January 29 44 Deceased on September 14 45 Head of state 93 Family tree Report an error McKinley David 1755 - 1835 Gray Sarah 1756 - 1814 Rose John He was born to Barack Obama Sr. and Ann Dunham in Honolulu. Nearly a million dollars was pledged by contributors or allocated from public funds for the construction of McKinley memorials in the year after his death. [170] Hay was embarrassed by the rebuff and offered his resignation, but McKinley refused it and ordered him to continue negotiations to achieve the Senate's demands. I think we ought to have prayer. [53] The young congressman broke with Hayes on the question of the currency, but it did not affect their friendship. As chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, he was the principal sponsor of the McKinley Tariff of 1890, which raised duties higher than they had been at any previous time. How many siblings did Frederick Douglass have? When William McKinley was born on 10 August 1744, in Abbeville, South Carolina, British Colonial America, his father, John McKinley, was 24 and his mother, Esther Shanklin, was 17. In 1880, he served a brief term as Ohio's representative on the Republican National Committee. He did not ask for war, but Congress made the decision and declared war on April 20, with the addition of the Teller Amendment, which disavowed any intention of annexing Cuba. [227] However, the young, enthusiastic Roosevelt quickly captured public attention after his predecessor's death. Dawes eventually became Comptroller of the Currency; he recorded in his published diary that he had strongly urged McKinley to appoint as secretary the successful candidate, Lyman J. Gage, president of the First National Bank of Chicago and a Gold Democrat. How many siblings did Sir Francis Drake have? His death led to the rise of his vice president, Theodore Roosevelt. [237], A controversial aspect of McKinley's presidency is territorial expansion and the question of imperialism; with the exception of the Philippines, granted independence in 1946, the United States retains the territories taken under McKinley. Bryan had concentrated entirely on the silver issue and had not appealed to urban workers. William McKinley Jr. was born in 1843 in Niles, Ohio, the seventh of nine children of William McKinley Sr. and Nancy (ne Allison) McKinley. [23] After severe losses, Union forces drove back the Confederates and continued to Sharpsburg, Maryland, where they engaged Lee's army at the Battle of Antietam, one of the bloodiest battles of the war. [182][183] Gould concluded regarding race, "McKinley lacked the vision to transcend the biases of his day and to point toward a better future for all Americans". [24] McKinley's regiment was detached from the Army of the Potomac and returned by train to western Virginia. [193], The candidates were the same, but the issues of the campaign had shifted: free silver was still a question that animated many voters, but the Republicans focused on victory in war and prosperity at home as issues they believed favored their party.
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