Between Iran and Rajasthan, north-western India, there is the widespread public belief that if a bat lives somewhere in the house or hangs on the roof, this would mean bad luck for the owner [25]. IntechOpen Limited They called themselves Zotzil uinic (batmen), claiming that their ancestors discovered a stone bat, which they took as their god, and their chief town was named Zinacantlan (=place of the bats) by Nahuatl merchants from Mexico [53]. Muslims and Seventh Day Adventists did not consume bat meat. 1. African Mythology Two Bats are greater luck, and five represents the five blessings Here are some of the other names that people have given bats. An idea that reflected their ability to fly around so quickly in the dark without hitting anything. Aboriginal peoples, however, were describing them long before this. The Pomo Indians of California had a superstition that bats could devour volcanic rock and then spew out ready-made arrowheads. Most often, they are seen only at night. The bat represented the opias (= spirits of the dead people) to the Taino. 11 Legendary Monsters of Africa Here are some of them: Flying foxes eat fruit, and this has inevitably brought them into conflict with humans, who grow fruit. Our habit of sharing their ancestral living quarters would inevitably have brought bats to our attention from before the dawn of history. Folklore and the Origin of Bats 7. Fruit-eating bats such as Jamaican fruit bat Artibeus jamaicensis loves feeding on guavas, which is also the favorite food of the Taino spirits of the dead. Despite its scientific name, it feeds exclusively on fruits, nectar, and flowers and not blood (Figure 6) [70]. The tour includes a brief 20-minute conservation education lecture about bats, caves, and the history of the Montford Bat Cave Sanctuary. It is merely a passing reference, along with moles, to represent animals that live with things that have been discarded. author. There is also, of course, the European connection with bats to vampirism. Large flying fox Pteropus vampyrus suffers from its misleading scientific name as it is not blood-eating species but feeds only fruits and flowers. WebLegendary creatures from African mythology. The animals then give teeth to the bat to make it more animal-like. 15 Strangest 'Hybrid' Mythical Creatures From Around A close-up photo of the Geoffroys Rousette fruit bats Rousettes amplexicaudatus at the Montfort bat cave entrance. When soup was placed before Oyot it was as good and tasty as ever but it was from a different batch the bat had prepared early. more information Accept. Appearing as half bird, half mammal at the edge of day and night they are seen as liminal beings and not part of the natural order. In its entire history, the state of New York has recorded only one case of bat-transmitted rabies [64]. When a truce is declared, the bat is rejected by both sides because of this deceitful behavior. In Pudukkottai, roosting P. medius is seen as the guardian of the sacred groves, and in Bihar, that bat brings wealth. Why is it then that while in some parts of the world this beneficial creature is seen as a symbol of good luck and good fortune, in many societies it is viewed with fear and loathing? It is a canine creature supposedly living close to the Sahara Desert in North Africa. Photo credit to creative commons These small creatures wished to participate in a ball game in which the animals challenged the birds. Sometimes bats are husbands as in a Mataco lore from Argentina. We love to hear from our readers. Bat Conversely, negative symbolism could promote conservation if it prevents unsustainable hunting and consumption [27]. In a Creek Indian variation of this tale, the bat first asks to play with the birds but is rejected by them and accepted by the animals team. Stay up to date with the latest news and information about BCI and bats. A bat was once known as a flittermouse or fluttermouse, which translates to flying mouse. This phrase is derived from the German word for a bat, Fledermaus. The English term bat is taken from the Old English word bakke, which means to flutter.. Of course, in languages other than English, a bat is not called a bat. WebFar Eastern Bat Symbolic Meanings. Interestingly, Islamic taboo. In Europe, there are also myths about bats in the house. Books > Kill the bat before it escapes, and everyone will be safe. The cave prohibits hunting and guano harvesting, while income from this ecotourism chiefly flows into local economy and enhances the sustainability and protection of the cave site (Figures 7 and 8). Photo credit: Public domain creative commonsWikimedia. Brief introduction to this section that descibes Open Access especially from an IntechOpen perspective, Want to get in touch? UNITED KINGDOM. The Global Owl Project Carriage Drive, USA. In a Cherokee fable, an eagle, a hawk, and other birds fashioned the first bat and the first flying squirrel from two mouse-like creatures. In Vietnam, many mounted bat species are sold in souvenir shops, and in Laos, bats are traded in several markets (Figure 3) [41, 42]. The basic scenario is that, in a battle between the beasts and birds, the bat repeatedly changes allegiance so as to be on the side that appears to be winning. WebMYTH: Bats are blind. Bats are shot for sport or to eradicate them from fruit plantations. The underworld is often associated with the dead but it is perhaps the association with vampires that is the most sinister aspect of bats. This apparent ambiguity in the nature of bats is seen in many folktales about how they came to be in the first place and how they acquired their various features. Although they live near humans and are common, it appears that some of the species have not been described and given scientific names [17]. In Jamaican folklore, bats are also perceived as death images [59]. They are hugely beneficial to man and play a major role in the well-being of the worlds ecosystems. In some places bats were seen more positively. In all four cases, the bats each walked about the volunteers hair without becoming entangled in any way and finally took flight without any difficulty. WebTrunko. Samoan people prize flying fox meat as a delicacy and as a gift to elders, but commercial hunting and export of the meat are culturally frowned. At the end of the story, Tjinimin hangs upside-down in a tree to admire the stars and decides never to try having sex with anyone againwhereupon his nose falls off. They often live and breed in dark and unusual places such as caves, tunnels and lofts, leaving these at twilight the time between light and darkness in search of food. They were then ashamed to meet the other birds and are now active only at night, returning to the temples in the daytime and praying to be turned back into birds. An irrational fear of batsChiroptophobiaencompasses negative perceptions of bats as disease vectors, pests, or harmful creatures associated with devils and witchcraft, which represents an important barrier to bat conservation globally [27]. But it became obvious that the public attitude toward bats has still not been investigated extensively enough throughout the world, namely in contemporary Africa, America, Australia, and Europe. In Isaiah 2:19-21, bats are connected with wilderness and heathenism: People will flee to caves in the rocks and to holes in the ground from the fearful presence of the Lord and the splendor of his majesty, when he rises to shake the earth. Both African-Americans and those of European descent from around the United States frequently maintain that In Africa, bats were credited with high intelligence. In Sri Lanka, it is believed that one may be reincarnated as a bat for denying another person drinking water [31]. A long time ago, on the opposite side of the earth, the Aztec term for a bat was apparently quimichpapalotl, which means butterfly mouse. It is greedy for fragile human living creatures and sings a resonating tune to itself as it feasts. We still are. Thus, more famine relief food aid is desperately needed to reduce the bush meat use during the food crises, which are nearly annual in the region [22]. Similarly, the Ge tribe in Brazil moved through the night following a bat that looked for light toward which to guide the people (Figure 4) [51, 52]. Between 1958 and 1961, Gathorne-Hardy, Fifth Earl of Cranbrook, a renowned conservationist and a founding member and former President of the Mammal Society, decided to put this old superstition to the test [16]. Hopefully, now that we know more about these amazing creatures, we can protect them better in the future. In India, a total of 3059 high school students from 36 schools were questioned on their bat perceptions. In northern Thailand, harming bats incurs a curse because bats are sacred for Buddhists [36]. Photo credit: Masteraah. In many human cultures, caves were seen as gateways to the underworld and bats often emerge from caves at twilight when day merges into night. He has also contributed to Enchanted Conversation Magazine and his latest Kindle ebook, The Feather of the Firebird is now available. Bats play an important role in the ecosystem by eating large quantities of insects. Shockingly, US news media recently reported shortages of Halloween decorationsplastic bats among them, doubtlessdue to the world supply crunch [63]. It is imperative to obtain more current ethnobiological data to further our understanding of contemporary attitudes and relationships with batsand to document other cultural traditions not covered in this review. In the sandstone caves of Northern Australia, the Northern Territory, and Queensland, there are numerous depictions of flying foxes, some dating back tens of thousands of years. It remains to be seen, however, if this could halt or even reverse the decline of the North American bats [64]. This article has covered some of the main points about bat mythology, superstition, folklore, and persecution. Photo credit: Stan Delone creative commonWikimedia. This is because people thought that bats were associated with witches and black magic. Bats are associated, in many cultures, with death and dying, which makes them a perfect representative of Samhain, the time when the veil is thin. In Malaysia, a face-to-face survey was conducted in Penang Island to assess knowledge and awareness level toward bat conservation efforts. The origin of bats is prominent in the folklore of several North American Indian tribes. Saharan African mythology have legendary Photo credit: Uwe Schmidt. However, modern science, and hence western Europe, really only learned about them as we traveled out to the tropical world. First he filled a large pot with warm water which he told his friend was boiling. No content from this site may be used elsewhere without the permission of either #FolkloreThursday or the article ), the ambiguous nature of bats is transformed into duplicity in their character. Not only do they prey upon insects that are harmful to agriculture, but they also prey upon mosquitoes and other virus-carrying insects and play a major role in pollinating and spreading the seeds of many of the fruits we enjoy. Bat Conservation International 500 N Capital of TXHwy. I am a bat ecologist with an interest in how people, culture and beliefs bonds or ties with bats. Archaeological evidence suggests that before the coming of Europeans, flying foxes were not often used as food by the Australian Aborigines. Experience the wonder of bats. Here are just a few: If a bat flies into your house, look out for bedbugs. But where theyre used as an ingredient in a witchs brew, theyre no different to frogs or snails (also common ingredients). Despite all the sinister associations bats perform an essential role in the environment, adding greatly to the wellbeing of humanity. Fruitbats are not the only bats to be eaten in the Indo-Pacific region. Now that we have looked at some of the most popular bat myths from around the globe, lets take a look at some of the superstitions that people have about these creatures. Bats are also considered as wild exotic meat, which is widely consumed in urban areas. WebSpirits African mythology is filled with spirits, invisible beings with powers for good or evil. Between the years 1950 and 2007, only 56 cases of bat-borne rabies transmission to humans occurred in the United States and Canada, which translates to 3.9 cases per billion person-years [65]. The first sighting was reported in 1928 by Thodore Monod. A witch shape is believed to be capable to suck out the life of a sleeping man or woman [18]. I am a mouse, not a bird! The weasel looked at the bat and agreed it was a mouse and released it. This North American bat-like depiction should come as no surprise; it is merely another manifestation of the fear, horror, and superstition with which bats have been regarded down through ages [64]. However, after offering prayers, dead bats found on the ground can be eaten. Public domain. To a shaman the appearance of a bat does not signify actual or physical death, but more the death of old fears or the old ways of doing things that no longer serve you. These arrowheads were used to kill deer and were considered very powerful. Courtesy of creative commonsWikimedia. Both African-Americans and those of European descent from around the United States frequently maintain that Bat hunting is illegal, but hunters readily admitted to having hunted bats and even directed the research people to other hunters. Prior to 1985, flying foxes were not protected in New South Walesin fact, they were regarded as vermin. As you can see, bats have been both persecuted and protected through the ages. Why Half of the students knew that bats are mammals, but 26% believed them to be birds, some thought of them being amphibians (12%) or reptiles (11%); 37% disliked the bats, and 27% liked them remaining seeing them as indifferent. While others say bats resemble an unhappy bird who got lost on its way to find the sun, in Greece during the middle ages, there was a myth that bats arose from mice. The birds took pity on the creatures and fashioned wings for one of them out of the head of a drum made from a groundhog skin, thus creating the first bat. Nandi Bear. Finally, we discuss shortly the need of education to change attitudes toward bats. Bats in Myth and Legend 945ontwerp / Getty Images London, SW7 2QJ, On Mochica pottery, a bat is depicted with the Sweetsop Annona squamosa, a common fruit also known as Sugar Apple or Pinha, the seeds of which are dispersed by bats [51, 52]. So in honor of National Bat Week, we're clearing up some myths about the world's only flying mammal. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. These myths associate killer bats with fire as the bat burns its victims and is, in turn, thrown into the fire [60, 61, 62]. It is the largest New World bat with a yard wingspan. The Adjule is also called a Bush Dog. In two fables from Aesop (born ca. Most students (56%) reported seeing bats in their locality. The duality of bats is mentioned in one of Aesops Fables, which tells how a bat fell to the ground and was pounced on by a weasel. Bat guano provides one reason for the fertility associations [56]. Subcategories. Christianity and the origin of bats are also intertwined in the Mohammedan legend that Christ created a bat while keeping the fast of Ramadan. WebBats typically live in deep underground caves, which symbolically is the belly of the Mother (Earth), and from these womb-like caves they emerge each evening at dusk - reborn. In several other folktales, bats are banished into the night either as a result of some treachery or, as in the case of the Kanarese, because of embarrassment resulting from ill-advised behavior. If you have any questions or if you want to get in touch with us, you can find our contact details on our About Us page. Bats, at least the ones that originate from North-western Europe, look a bit like mice with wings. From a magical standpoint, bats are associated with workings related to death and dying, communication, and the spirit world. Whereas in China, it was a sign of good fortune. In Madagascar, the exploitation of bats for bush meat regularly takes place during periods of food shortage, especially fruit bats, which are heavily hunted. A legend tells that in Fiji, a giant white vampire bat acts as a messenger, and one finds bats as gods in both Tikopian and Tongan myths. A folktale from Kanara, India tells how bats were once unhappy birds that prayed to become human. In some versions of the myth, the old mice would climb to the top of a tall tree, and when they reached the highest branches, their tails would detach and grow into wings. Bat dung placed over a door opening prevented disease carrying demons from entering. In medieval Europe, dragons were usually depicted with wings and a barbed tail and as breathing fire. In this story, Jonayaiyin, a hero who battled the enemies of mankind, killed several eagles and gave their feathers to a bat who had helped him escape from the eagles nest. And because of this, many myths, superstitions, and folklore have been created about them. As such, they would place a bat on the ground, point its head towards the sky, and wait for raindrops to fall on its back. Bats - Disease-Prone but Beneficial, Reviewed: December 23rd, 2021 Published: January 18th, 2022, Total Chapter Downloads on Bat More than 1,200 species are currently recognized, and many are enormously abundant. Montfort bat cave entrance in the Philippines with the numerous Geoffroys Rousette fruit bats Rousettes amplexicaudatus. Vampires. Bats In China, the bat is a symbol of happiness and good luck and its image is found in art and crafts expressing this. The police arrested 200 vigilante youth suspected of involvement in gangs that attacked persons allegedly engaged in vampirism. They also don't share behavior with rodents. 3. To date, ethnobiological information regarding bats in Africa has mainly focused on utilitarian aspects of bats as food and medicine, whereas knowledge concerning symbolism and beliefs surrounding bats in that continent has not been assembled, apart from ancient Africa [18], Ghana [19, 20], Kenya [21], and Madagascar [22]. The bat husband then cut off her head and those of other Indians and put all heads in the tree hole where he was living [55]. Pomo Indians of California have a myth that a bat could chew and swallow a large piece of obsidian and then vomit large numbers of excellent arrowheads. Bats in a church during a wedding ceremony is a bad omen. Thanks Sir for this website. Presented here are different viewpoints from around the world, followed by a short look at the real significance of bats to humankind.