? Browse the Collections | Advanced Search | Search Help, Documents in PDF format require the Adobe Acrobat Reader, Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room, A-12 OXCART Reconnaissance Aircraft Documentation, Argentina Declassification Project - The "Dirty War" (1976-83), Bosnia, Intelligence, and the Clinton Presidency, DECLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS RELATED TO 9/11 ATTACKS, Documents Related to the Former Detention and Interrogation Program, Foreign Broadcast Information Service History, Intelligence Warning of the 1957 Launch of Sputnik, John McCone as Director of Central Intelligence, 1961-1965, President Carter and the Role of Intelligence in the Camp David Accords, President George H. W. Bush's Farewell Visit to CIA, The Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe a 30 year Legacy, The National Intelligence Council (NIC) Collection, 'ANGLO-SAXON' VS. 'LATIN' PARAPSYCHOLOGY: UNDERLYING THE COMMUNICATION BARRIER (, 'VISAGES': A COMPUTER-BASED TEST OF FACE PRECOGNITION, 'VISAGES': A COMPUTER-BASED TEST OF FACE PRECOGNITION (MARIO VARVOGLIS & MICHEL-ANGE A, (UNTITLED) NOTES FROM RV SESSION. Operations Methodology ? Mission Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003300210001-2 and/or Perturbs Characteristics of a Designated The Stargate Documents API has made great strides in the past few months. Mission Not verifiable. Clearly, this sounded like something more out of a science fiction novel, rather than anything the CIA could actually use to help them gain more knowledge about Titans atmosphere. Their remit was to research and harness psychic powers and assess the threat of UFOs to national security. OVERVIEW Brought in as an outside contractor in 1972, the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) remained the CIAs steadfast partner until the end of the Stargate project. However, again, when two viewers gave equally crazy testimonies, they were far more likely to believe the male subjects over the females, because they were interpreted as being more trust-worthy sources of information. One of the CIAs most famous test subjects was a young army officer named Joe McMoneagle, an agent who would go on to complete dozens of remote viewing missions for the CIA. Document Page Count: 36. SECRET NOFORN STAR GATE LIMDIS PSYCHOENERGETICS What is Astral Projection And How To Do It | Astral Music, CIA Personnel Participation ? Minimizes "Monitor" Overlays Between 1972 and 1995, the CIA and other US governmental organizations asked dozens of young citizens to explore an unconquered frontier: the realm of the psyche. ? He was kidnapped and kept in solitary confinement in Bairut, Lebanon. REPORT Definitions OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY Washington, DC 20350-1000 BASIC DEFINITION 93-202-2, Phase II, dated 26 July 1994 (encl 4). Remote Viewers: The Secret History of Americas Psychic Spies. When he was released, he wrote a book about his experiences, and began a project for helping homeless people. To Provide Feedback Resulting From ? The agent on the phone was drawing an image of two mountains with the sun in the top right corner. SECRET NOFORN STAR GATE LIMDIS Where did we find this stuff? ? TASKING SHEET REMOTE VIEWER 13 January 1994 (encl 2). Benefits The document defines a number . Stage Four - Qperations Methodology SECRET NOFORN STAR GATE LIMDIS Entering the base, the remote viewer found to her astonishment that all the operators were identical to human beings. Interrogation of Qualitative Mental ? VIEWING OVERVIEW CIA releases psychic experiment documents - CNET His story also inspired a suicide written into the script of The Men Who Stare at Goats, but in the movie, it was a catalyst to end the psychic project, rather than spur on more funding. SECRET NOFORN STAR GATE LIMDIS - Perceptions which cannot be explained by Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003300210001-2 As of 2017, Project Farsight is still an active CIA operation. ? BG Dozier Case (S/NF) 1 Cy Remote Viewers can be used as Collectors in MISSION So, what, exactly were they investigating? Summary COMMENTS: COORDINATES: 486732/194547 1993 (encl 3). SECRET NOFORN STAR GATE LIMDIS Strange But True? Their yearly budgets surpassed 13 million rubles. 1993-1997. They also described the number of guards that were standing by, and their daily routines, as if it may help with a rescue mission. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION: The CIA has declassified a set of documents called the "Gateway Process." It provides a scientific framework for expanding consciousness, out-of-body experiences, and other altered states of mind. ? Date: Clairvoyance Project Stargate: 10 Facts About the US Government Psychic Experiments Benefits ? Project Stargate and Remote Viewing Technology: The CIA's Files on Categories of Taskings Central Intelligence Agency. Reduction of Physical Arousal ? BTaR ti1Si ? validated/tasked to either obtain or vnriiy such data. Physical Relaxation Sites of Quality Sensory Value Stargate Project became public knowledge in 1995 after the declassification of CIA documents. He went crazy, and jumped out the window on the 13th story of The Pennsylvania Hotel in New York City. SECRET NOFORN STAR GATE LIMDIS During a remote viewing test, Brown sat in a different room and correctly guessed what someone else was drawing. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003300210001-2 It seems like this remote viewers visions aligned with their personal beliefs. The most accurate description of the history was someone describing round gold shapes that were hand-made by several people who had to bang on metal. ? Secondary Methodologies ? Remote Viewing is Purely Voluntary! ? No FURTHER DISSEMINATION Mission He started having strange dreams, and felt as if he could see through the eyes of people around him. Passive Catacories Source In the year 2000, NASA launched the Juno Satellite to take high definition photographs of Jupiter. Management The Under Secretary of the Navy From in 1972 to 1990, an partners of the CIA- the DIA and INSCOM became the real-life X-Files. (6) Operations Methodology Approved Fe1Bf6%Vff4lh> QCIFAO-MO-OJMU180007-8 Personnel Participation urce(s) These female remote viewers were asked to locate Saddam Hussein, but they had absolutely no success. ? They both described multi-colored streams of thick clouds that surrounded the planet, harsh storms, The Big Red Spot, and floating crystals. - Directive, PAG-TA-1065-SL, subject: Personnel Selection The remote viewers described Waites mindset, which was very strong and proud, rather than scared and traumatized. Project STAR GATE made aware of this LIMDIS program (encl 8). ? ? SECRET NOFORN STAR GATE LIMDIS ? (U) 1 Cy On the first day, the scientist pulled out a large dictionary, flipped through the pages, and landed their finger on a random word. It seems like no other alleged psychic has been so routinely vindicated and debunked. ? The Montauk Project: The Conspiracy Theory That Inspired 'Stranger Things' David Morehouse, and the Psychic Warriors, The next was Pan Am Flight 103, which disappeared above the ocean. OVERVIEW C. gationala for source evaluQtion~idP~rovi~dVerst~ncalluediacaonfirmatory/navel Here are some of the most out-of-this-world experiments from Project Stargate. 1 May 1989 (encl 6). Project Grill Flame, one of the first programs in the early days of Project Stargate, sought to uncover military applications of psi technology. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003300210001-2 (2) and Operational Project Vast storms swirl across the sky. (2) Without having any idea where those coordinates actually were, Morehouse was able to accurately describe foreign locations. She also described an apparent base on the top of Mount Hayes, Alaska, that was run by these aliens who looked like human beings. This item: Project Stargate and Remote Viewing Technology: The CIA's Files on Psychic Spying by Axel Balthazar Paperback $22.00 Remote Viewing Secrets: A Handbook by Joseph McMoneagle Paperback $16.99 The Essential Guide to Remote Viewing: The Secret Military Remote Perception Skill Anyone Can Learn by Paul H. Smith PhD Paperback $19.99 Supposedly beginning in 1972 but with its official start in 1990, Project Stargate involved a number of investigations into the paranormal by the CIA and partner organizations such as the DIA and INSCOM. ? ? SECRET None of the remote viewers could give 100% accuracy on the true information. Definitions Primary Methodologies After the termination of Project Stargate, a new program was formed, Project Farsight. ? 1000 Navy Pentagon SG1J Human Source Assessment While information about hypnosis was still new in the 70s, it is widely recognized today as a legitimate psychological technique that can help people cope with trauma, relax, quit smoking, and so many other things. In August of 1973, the CIA spent a week working with Uri Geller to test his psychic abilities. SECRET NOFORN STAR GATE LIMDIS DEFINITIONS ? Morehouse gave the CIA the planes location, and also said that it blew up because of a terrorist bomb that was hidden in a suitcase. ? They were told that he was apart of a secret government project that involved LSD, and he could not handle the drugs in his system. Source Right Brain/Hemispheric Functioning ~wRV) SECRET NOFORN STAR GATE LIMDIS Customer Taskings In Support of Jim Schnabel. Primary Methodologies Definitions Photograph of Mount Hayes in Alaska, with no alien lab to be seen. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003300210001-2 ~ Over the course of 8 days, they conducted different experiments every day, and recorded the data. Jim Schnabel. In November, the CIA announced it would publish the material, and the entire declassified CREST archive is now available on the CIA Library website. The Stargate Documents API: Storage mechanisms, search filters, and The United States government did, however, think that studies with hypnosis were very interesting. PROJECT STAR GATE | CIA FOIA (foia.cia.gov) On February 1, 2023, the National Declassification Center (NDC) released a listing of 74 declassification projects that consists of over two million pages that completed declassification processing between October 31, 2022, and January 31, 2023. However, the CIA occasionally explored the minds potential to directly affect physical matter, a phenomenon known as psychokinesis. In 1995, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols did devastating damage to a federal building in downtown Oklahoma City, claiming 168 lives. ? Remote viewing is often referred to as ESP. B. 3. They were particularly interested in extrasensory perception, or ESP, and psychokinesis, which is the ability to move objects with ones mind. SECRET NOFORN STAR GATE LIMDIS (ERV) Types of Targets Morehouse and a few of the other psychic soldiers were able to describe the actual location where Higgins was being held, and explain the scene. CATEGORIES OF TASKINGS When a team found the plane and investigated the crash, they realized that the remote viewers were correct. ? Geographical Areas or Fixed Sites (3) He correctly guessed a kite, and a church. Credit: Wikimedia Commons. There was an intercom that allowed Uri to speak to the scientists, but he stayed in the room during the entire experiment. She observed two young, healthy human males working at a control panel supervised by an attractive female. Larry Greenemeier. The Honorable Richard Danzig So, if that is the case, wouldnt it have made sense to find a team of female psychics to help with Project Stargate? In the original briefing, the CIA states that its mission was to establish if foreign threats exist, and learn how to exploit it for our own benefit. ? Many psychics use crystals and tarot cards, because they claim that it helps to channel their energy. A small envelope was sent, which Robert kept in his shirt pocket unopened.[5]. Summary SECRET NOFORN STAR GATE LIMDIS STARGATE PROJECT (94-227-0) | CIA FOIA (foia.cia.gov) ? The U.S. believed that anything Russia could do, they could do better. ? Sure enough, the second autopsy, which was performed by the George Washington University Law Center, showed completely different results than the one provided by the CIA. S-64,008/PAG-TA 4. ? known Sensory Means. ? Photograph of the Hale Bopp Comet. Benefits While much of the information has been technically publicly available since the mid-1990s, it has been very difficult to access. and Training Procedures, dated 18 October 1993 (encl 1). 93-210,0 and 93-212-0 Channel 4 Documentary. The records include UFO sightings and psychic experiments from the. . They were called The Witches by the male members of Project Stargate who felt that their techniques were an insult to the real ways of the psychic warrior. Remote Viewer/Monitor Benefits (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) 1 Cy Activity (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS 1 Cy ? There is a particular sub-group of UFO enthusiasts that believe that aliens walk among us, and that they choose to breed with attractive blonde humans. ? ? Operations Methodology Management Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003300210001-2 OVERVIEW SECRET NOFORN STAR GATE LIMDIS The shame of this scandal was enough to completely ruin Brown and Calabreses integrity, and it was a sign that the CIA needed to give up looking to psychics for answers. SECRET NOFORN STAR GATE LIMDIS Management Predictive and Search Mode Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003300210001-2 ? Without funding, the Stargate program died within months. Swann estimated that the surface lay some 193,000 kilometers (120,000 mi) below the clouds. Dowsing (1) DATE: Even to this day, the vast majority of people who show up to remote viewing classes are male. SECRET NOFORN STAR GATE LIMDIS ? ? Interim Report - 8916 PROJECT NUMBER: _ Operations Methodology ? Wars or rxwscr 93-202-4 (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) 1 Cy The project cost $500,000 per year, and the higher-ups were seriously re-considering if they should continue to pay for these psychic experiments out of the militarys budget. Project Sun Streak Briefing. Project Stargate was a top-secret experiment, so no one could release the documents that showed these tests conducted by the U.S. government. (5) No Known Defense Tha iolloxinq is an evaluation fora for the project you reviexed. - Logical deductions 2. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003300210001-2 - Memorandum, S520,010/DT-S89, subject: STAR GATE Interim Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Stargate Project: An Investigation Into Psychic Phenomena They had Geller sit in an electronically shielded room, which they described to be a double-walled, insulated space where he could not have possibly received any kind of radio communication, or cheat the test in any way. ? SUBJECT: Project STAR GATE (U) From a distance, it looks as if it might even contain water. As you may recall, MKULTRA 'was an 1'umbrella project" under \vhich certain sensitive subprojects \vere funded, involving among other things research on drugs and behavioral modification. yOr RII.EABaBLE TO PO3tEI~1 1PaTI0YaL8 Summary Among the more unusual records are documents from the Stargate Project, which dealt with psychic powers and extrasensory perception. But in the eyes of the men, this was a sign that the were frauds. ? Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003300210001-2 Types of Targets ? TV cameras and reports showed up to cover the story, but no one included his conspiracy theories about the CIA in their official reports, except for a documentary filmmaker who was looking into Project Stargate. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003300210001-2 John Herlosky. (5) ? SECRET NOFORN STAR GATE LIMDIS However, after the attacks in New York city on September 11th, 2001, the FBI went back to Brown and Calabrese for any potential information they could view of the location of the terrorists. He has been a guest speaker on numerous national radio and television stations and is a five time published author. 8. Here are our sources: Project Stargate Declassified Documents. enclosed Project STAR GATE Knowledgeability Control Record be (S/NF) Request that the enclosed project data and the ? Fooling Professional Psychics. Unlike their other experiments, American scientists did not really want to dive in to the ideas of Bioenergetics, because they didnt think there was enough to go on. NASA had just launched a satellite to Jupiter called Pioneer 10, and they were curious to see if they could send a psychic probe to the planet at the same time, and see if the remote viewing descriptions matched the reality of the mysterious planet. ? ? 2023 Fourth Quarter Release List. TYPES OF TARGETS ? Video unavailable U.S. and Soviet Spooks Studied Paranormal Powers to Find a Cold War Advantage. 1. Viewer Number: The records were only available on four physical computers located in the back of a library at the National Archives in Maryland, between 09:00 and 16:30 each day. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003300210001-2 Purpose High value So why is it so far-fetched that orphans or runaway boys would be targeted? Operations Methodology SECONDARY METHODOLOGIES Definitions ? The Sorcerer's Apprentice: A Skeptic's Journey Into the CIA's Project Stargate and Remote Viewing. 3. He was able to keep hope alive by thinking about everything he would say when he was able to escape and write a book.